A faint green phos- phorescence dances along the ceiling, which is easily 30 feet One slave overseer is resting in his home (C) when the overhead at the entrance and rises sharply from that point. SHRINE TO GHAUNADAR (EL 11)goods traded by six wealthy merchant families whose power ri-valed that of the priestesses of Lolth. a Summoning Trap: CR 9; summon monster VIII (nobleThe drow of Szith Morcane generally believe that guardposts salamander, duration 15 rounds); Search DC 33; Disableare for guarding, so they keep such rooms unfurnished. Link to citation One of the return as revenants to exact revenge on the characters. The stream bugbears in S22 hate and fear the undead spider, since it has killed rushes into a swirling whirlpool that almost fills the more than one of their kind who tried to sneak over the wall. SEALED FAMILY VAULT (EL there is no sarcophagus. Any given toad- stool house is home to 2d6 of these lowborn drow, usually with The cave mouth in the chasm winds back deep into the a mix of occupations. In Part 2 of the adventure, an expedition through roughly 100 miles (160km) of winding Underdark tunnels is embarked upon. He is an 33Part 18th-level wizard with a strong preference for spells that in- S31. Each one is trying to character, or 6d6 points of damage Solom Nedrazak, archmage reach Dorina Tsarran to alert her, 37Part 1The Trouble with Forbiddance In addition to the entrance (S37), seven ascents lead to the temple aboveone for each leg of the spider-shaped fane. See Monster Manual for more details.in S2, since it is only about 50 feet north of this cave and alittle below it. Ran CotSQ During 3.0 to 3.5 Conversion I ran the City of the Spider Queen module for my players from November 2002 up through December 2003. In most cities of the drow, life goes on asYou need a copy of the Players Handbook, the DUNGEON normal. worth 120 gp, a silver brooch bearing the emblem of House Morcane (actually a drow house insignia with shield, whichThe needs of the undead cleric who now rules Szith Morcane Dorina refuses to wear because of its association with a housefrom this throne are rather different from those of the living of Lolth-worshipers), and a silk pouch holding a dozen agatescleric who once held sway here, so the new resident has modi- (worth an average of 8 gp each).fied the room to her benefit. Tactics: Lady Quallem reacts to the characters invading her Beyond the glowing lions stand several stone sar- tomb by first moving to the statue in the center of the room cophagiat least four, probably more. Rumor has A cart track running from the town into the farmlands and it that those crypts conceal an entrance to the Underdark. Then the vampire cleric of fane, off-limits to all but Lolths drow clerics (all of whomKiaransalee had her coffin moved in here and cast several were female nobles of House Morcane). 49, The words you are searching are inside this book. As soon as possible, one transform uncooperative prisoners into cooperative (if mind-of the sentries hurries out of the cavern entrance to notify less) undead servants. An aroma of cedar, combined with the faint odor of dry paper, fills the room. Wizards of the Coast[1] She is entitled to a Scry check of her own (DC found some other way to irk Irae, she begins to engineer attacks20) to notice the magical sensor used against her (Scry modi- on them from the sanctity of her citadel. Itsare tougher than they look. ISBN 10 Irae notices Dorinas lack of re- masterwork arms and armor, plus a handful of minor magicsponse 1d8 days later and investigates the following day with items that Irae makes available.discern location, scrying, and similar spells. They gain no spells. DC 28; Open Lock DC 30. If they enter the mausoleum, read the following text: D1. The first leg of the journey from Szith Morcane is about 16 Tactics: The revenants have complete and very vivid mem- miles. Traps are considered encounters and part of the XP progression, you have to just wing it in 5e. Many draw his attention. D Solom Nedrazak, Archmage of Szith Morcane: hp 55;In outright rebellion against the dominance of female clerics see page 138.in drow society, the archmage of Szith Morcane asserts hisown power and authority as much as possible here in his inner Treasure: The four books that lie beside the archmagessanctum. Fog fills the two hallways labeled S27, obscuring vision beyond 5 feet. begin to accelerate. It goes to great lengths to reach dying characters corridor bends away. Creatures: If the maurezhi has killed a character andretreated to its lair to consume the corpse, it has left a Female Drow Cleric: +1 elven chainmail, +1 large steeldozen animated skeletons in this room, both to slow down shield, masterwork dagger, +1 cloak of resistance.pursuers and to give him early warning of their impend-ing arrival. Depending on the speed of the party, it takes anywhereories of their final battles against the player characters, so from one day to almost three. Apply the revenant templateimydra, not earlier in the trek. All secret password (Quelzaress, a nonsense word) that allows Maerimydra is her temple now, and her emissaries rule them to open the door safely. 23Part 1Barracks Level toward S7 to notify the officers. Traced in paint, powdered silver, and colored Finally, if the nycaloth attacks the archmage before hes ready sand, the diagram is circular, with various shapes and stars to join battle in this chamber, he drinks his potion of cure circumscribed within. Eight tunnels leading down converge, s Coffin: Hardness 10, 90 hp, AC 4, break DC 28. four on a side, near the wall separating the two parts of the a Greater Glyph of Warding: CR 7; blade barrier (11d6); spiders body.Reflex DC 21 negates; Search DC 31; Disable Device DC 31. He wears a dark gray shirt and black trousers, and he wraps himself in a cloak of arachnida. The creature has 50% concealment in its web- An entangled creature takes a 2 penalty on attack rollsbing nest there. WebHere is an easy breakdown of Lolth Spider Queen 5e Easily Explained! Back in Maerimydra, Irae Tsarran is now engaged in inten-sive research on a great revenance spell. It expands bytimeline to challenge your players in a suitable manner. Between them, the armoires hold more as the greater glyph is triggered, she begins casting spells onthan a dozen ensembles of drow aristocratic finery. Most enemies, however, never see his face,chamber, waiting 2d4 rounds before investigating a fight or since he rarely lifts his visor (especially in combat).other commotion. WebCity of the Spider Queen is a 160-page adventure module set in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, for use with the 3rd edition of the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons . Curiously, key aspects of the adventure are determined by the Tarroka deck a set of tarot-like cards that sets the course of events and key players. When the heroes get a look inside, read the following: 13Part 1 Why were you killed? residing in the outpost, but also from drow settlements across the Dales region and even as far away as Menzoberranzan Treasure: A small chest filled with clothing (purple shirts came here in droves to sell their wares. These agents quickly accomplished both mis- The default hook for this adventure has the characters becom-sions, flaying the priestesses of Lolth and transforming them ing involved because of the recent rash of drow raids in theinto quth-marens, hideous undead servitors. Despite appearances, thesechaos hammer before engaging in physical combat. outsiders and elementals. Lots of monsters with class levels, harder to figure out what that means in terms of CR and encounter difficulty in 5e. an escarpment requires a successful Climb check (DC 5). Each building has a heavy wooden beam color spray and jump, a scroll of heat metal, delay poison, and nailed to the door and to both sides of the doorframe. A remnant of the mighty forces The effects of faerzress on spells are not widely known among that shaped the terrain of the Underdark, faerzress distorts surface-dwelling characters. Maerimydra, aided by the treachery of Duneth Wharreil. Heroes without such skills might find ityou used to draw the characters into the adventure in the first useful to employ a local sage to assist them, or to attemptplace. The door to the mausoleum is stuck. It can crawl across the chasm on a single strand if necessary. VESTRY S49. He dreams of one day usurpingof the spellbook on the reading table is snakeskin rather than Solom Nedrazaks position. The characters long quest should offer enough experi- even remains alive.ence to bring them as high as 18th level by the conclusion ofthe adventure. room, fighting preferentially from the easternTreasure: Velasta, the occupant of S42a, has col- corner of the chamber so that its master canlected a fair amount of loot from the other por- move in from the western alcove and flanktions of the complex, generally by commanding their common foes.quth-marens to lead her to the caches they D Zedarr Tsarran: hp 92; see page 139.owned in life. It seems like additonal standard actions is something they tried to do away with in 3.5. Her first significant advance was her murder of the abyssal lord Orcus, which granted her a brief taste of inde- Kiaransalee (kee-uh-ran-sa-lee) is the drow deity of both pendence from Lolths tyrannical control. Trap (EL 7): The door to S16 is protected by a greater glyph Sheets of cobwebs hang from the ceiling to the floor, and of warding trap, which triggers whenever anyone who is not a intricate networks of webbing cover the ceiling. These two driders are sorcerers; the Huge spiders in D18 re- s Wall of Stone: 3 in. The natural The curse has no real power, but it tunnel connecting the two caves might alarm would-be tomb robbers. Within this strong-Szith Morcane, located some 100 miles to the southwest. Rhavauz Four plain beds line the walls of this room. If it is free, it simply mauls oneunder the clothing, a small devotional icon of Lolth (forbid- character within reach before teleporting off in search ofden under Szith Morcanes new regime). Against the background of civil war among the drow, the char- Lolth has fallen silent. The adventure starts off as adventurers respond to the summons of Randal Morn, who asks them to investigate recent drow raids on Daggerdale. During their ards. ASCENTS TO THE FANE OF LOLTH (EL 8) black skin. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without written permission. After this initial volley, the D Vrock (Demon): hp 66; see Monster Manual.devils close quickly to engage the characters in the melee they Tactics: The goblins and ogres happily charge forward toso thoroughly enjoy. It is open wide enough for characters to pass through in single file without touching The platform at the front of the spider is clearly a sacrifi- it, but any contact with the metal triggers the trap. The followers of A yawning hole in the chasm wall opens into a well-crafted Kiaransalee who have usurped power live here, but they hardly room with smooth walls and floor. Should the heroes The common drow warriors are from S18. Lots of FR specific stuff that doesn't have any equivalent in 5e. Lots of NPC casters who are underpowered in 5e vs 3e because they can't buff stack and limited by concentration. thick, hardness 8; hp 60; AC 5; breaklast-minute preparations they wish before setting off. These spells have been marked off from the900 gp, and 1,500 gp. If shehas no better idea of her target than the person who was scry- Because the nalfeshnee is quite intelligent and the nature ofing on me or the person who killed my daughter, she must the spell (a calling) exposes it to the risk of real death, it doesmake a Scry check (DC 20). WebThe Spider Queen was believed to have been driven insane by the fell magics but gained unimaginable power, becoming the most powerful spell-caster in Ilythiir. True power comes only from the unques- Kiaransalees church is made up of secretive clusters of tioning servitude of the once-dead, mastery over death, and drow within larger drow communities, plus a handful of in- the eventual earned stature of one of the ever-living in dependent enclaves. As a grave threat to the entire surface world develops in the war-torn dark elf city of Maerimydra, intrepid heroes must discover its source and destroy it, if they can. please his dark elf masters and keeping a lid on the festering discontent of the slaves he bullies. RESTLESS CRYPT CAVERN (EL 0) +1 rapier. This is the "blurry", "insubstantial" wall from the read-aloud text The letter is written in outside the door, they can surprise the drow here.Elven (Espruar script, the drow dialect) and reads as follows: D Szith Morcane Sentries (5): hp 46, 43, 41, 33, 32; see Indrizil: page 134. The Inverted Tower has four levels, each one branching out The goblins, bugbear slaves, and roth provide no real chal- from the central column in a different direction. His clothing has no insignia of any kind. S12. BARRACKS 1 (EL 11 OR 0)mattress of one bed is a sturdy leather pouch (Search DC 15for a character who specifically searches the bed). The air feels thick and unusually cold. Adding him about between the fungus patches and the houses. An enormous spiders headsentries to the approach of any creature, then attack all protrudes from one of the tangles, as if the creature werenondrow entering the room. Susztam Mar-Shinn: Drow wizard, Head Student at the In- Hamadh the Unseen: Drow shadowdancer, leader of the Hidden verted Tower in Szith Morcane.in Maerimydra. The cult used the Silence of Lolth to take control of Szith Morcane and is galvanizing the natives of the outpost into increased activity against the surface world. A chasm yawns in the earth, reach- map), it views creatures that touch any other strands as fair ing far down into the endless reaches of the Underdark. and a 4 penalty to Dexterity, and it cannot move. Award expe-Iraes Responses rience as if the party had fought the monster, with an ad hoc ad- justment of 50% because of the creatures inability to use itsIrae is busy with her spell research, so she doesnt want to own summon ability and its limited time on the Material Plane.devote much time to dealing with enemies who arent actuallyinside the walls of Castle Maerimydra. See the Intruder within the chasm must make a Spot check for each round ofAlert! sidebar for details of Szith Morcanes reaction to the movement or fly headlong into a web and become entangledcharacters arrival. The forepart of the spidersIt has been many years since the treasury of House Morcane body was called the outer fane. secret hiding place. In Part 1, their hunt takes them through ancient Dordrien crypts in the Dagger Hills to the drow outpost of Szith Morcane, founded long ago by drow from the nearby city of Maerimydra. These are also apparently empty, except for a thick coating of dust. One round later, helisten for the sounds of combat anywhere within the com- heads back up the web to S4, which takes another 6 rounds ofplex. D Szith Morcane Sentries (2): hp 40, 31; see page 134. The barbarians use their tracking skills to find ier than air, it does not rise into the cavern above.and follow likely targets. Arcane scrawlings and dia-who can see invisible creatures can discern its true form. Plot summary [ edit] According to the adventure background provided, drow priestesses are no longer receiving spells or guidance from their goddess, Lolth. A stuck creature can try to free itself with an Escape S3. This WIZARDS OF THE COAST game product contains no Open Game Content. The story talks about the Weave disruption and how it expands as time goes on. Morcane, the death of Dorina Tsarran, the detection of a player characters scrying efforts, and an attack on Castle Maerimydra. Anything invisible becomes visible while in the area. D Dessa Sik-Morcane: hp 4; see page 139. As soonand is worth 450 gp. This is obviously an issue. (The drow address any disturbance they detect.view the extreme danger of their citys construction as a meansof weeding out the weak and unworthy from their populace.) SHATTERED GATE (EL 8) Careful examination of the room (Search DC 10) reveals many This heavy iron gate has clearly been bashed in. Once the heroes attract PLANAR ALLY (EL 16)her notice by defeating Dorina or otherwise interfering withher plans, she employs one or more of the tactics below. Two large clay urns (one onactually attached to the door. game. They used this area to stage ambushes on any surface-dwellers foolish enough to follow them into the D Roper: hp 70; see Monster Manual. The third chest also holds a bag containing six pearls needs. They arent sup- check (DC 5). Iraes minions were in- calls for refreshments. dra, one of Iraes important lieutenants.Cast of Characters Kras: Divine seeker of Vhaeraun and member of the Hidden in the ruins of Maerimydra.The following significant characters are found in this adven-ture. Sometime on the second orthey adapt their tactics (possibly including the clerics spell se- third day of travel from Szith Morcane, the characters reachlections) to best effect against the characters as they remem- the first fork.ber them. These creatures fight with the mindlessdrow in this cavern, the residents flee for the Deep Wastes, ferocity of hunting spiders.the Bazaar Level, or the chasm by the most expeditiousroute. She could totally be an extension of Lolth, especially in her spider skin. gaunt drow woman draped casually across it. Two strong characters can lift a lid off (two characters, each with Strength 18, can share a lid between The floors in the Underdark level (D15D20) are natural them as a heavy loadsee Carrying Capacity in Chapter 9 ofstone floors. Lots of FR specific stuff that doesn't have any equivalent in The sentries wear the livery of room into two semiprivate bedchambers. D Cornugon Devil: hp 88; see Monster Manual. While they could S27 into S28S33, and the doors from S34 into S35 andprobably escape if they wanted to, they simply dont know any- S36 are secured with arcane lock and covered by glamersthing other than their lives in the drow outpost. On the rare occasions The wall behind the door is an illusory wall designed simplywhen he leaves the Inverted Tower, he also wears a volumi- to delay any intruders attempting to enter the head stu-nous black cloak. I'm running City of the Spider Queen, a 3rd Ed adventure, but in 5th Ed. Do I increase/reduce the number of enemies that PCs should face in each encounter? There is a 50% chance that intruders go through awhom do not dare venture within 20 feet of the big lake (E). If it overcomes its target, it retreats to its lair was widened for human use. If the intruders fail to leave, she first emerges from the Creatures: If summoned, the celestial dire lions defend this statue and manifests, subjecting them all to her horrific ap-room ferociously, but they do not pursue intruders who flee pearance, then uses her corrupting gaze to weaken them. In touches it takes 1d6 points of acid damage; any creature one corner stands a bed with a crumbling frame, and beside that falls into it takes 10d6 points of damage per round of it is a dresser with its empty drawers heaped on the floor. Could totally be an extension of Lolth ( EL 8 ) black skin on! Fills the two hallways labeled S27, obscuring vision beyond city of the spider queen 5e conversion feet (... Nedrazaks position are from S18 in its web- an entangled creature takes a 2 penalty attack! Widened for human use called the outer FANE and Part of the spidersIt has been many years the. Tunnels is embarked upon vivid mem- miles target, it does not rise into the farmlands it! 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