This leaves only 5 points to invest in Reloading. Notes: Update: Currently, due to the new map the helicopter is in the normal red zone, meaning that only reds and purples spawn here. The zone markers should be the same, but each block layout has completely changed. This was the 3D map until October 2012 when new areas have been added to the game. Usually sprinting when they are encountered, they sometimes walk aimlessly on very rare occasions. It is hypothesized that the N4 virus mutated the pituitary gland to excrete vast amounts of HGH (Human Growth Hormone), the same mutation that might be found in Titans and Wraiths. Mega bosses have greatly increased damage and movement speed, as well as a slightly smaller profile, making them harder to hit at range. Although once called upon to aid Santa in bringing Christmas cheer to the world, these Reindeer have now been taken over entirely by an unknow cervid N4 virus strain and are now nothing more than vicious, killer beasts. With the passing of time, the fire on the outside went out and was left in a state burning slowly inside, as if it were coal, this combined with the brutal conditions of the southeast area were the causes for the appearance of this dangerous variant. The various colored zones group areas where particular types of infected can be encountered. That adds up to a total of 100,000 health points for a pack of five. Personally, I've never had the stalker be calm with me. Explore properties. Due to these peculiar characteristics, many survivors associated this creature with the "Wendigo", saying that it was its spirit seeking revenge against Fairview last remaining settlements, although nothing could be further from the truth. Choose the proper weaponry; melee, pistols, and rifles are the only weapons that are feasible to loot with. Several scientists have confirmed present levels of radiation in the air at the southeastern borders where the fateful event of the facility there occurred, which would explain how these irradiated spider abominations now exist. Two other options are to run around and enter different rooms for 5-10 minutes or run back to the outpost. Although without a doubt the most striking feature in his arsenal are his gigantic tentacles, wich are strong as steel and capable of maneuvering several targets at the same time, impaling them and causing them a slow and painful death, while they see how their allies are falling one by one, before this new archetype of female mutant-boss found on the deepest parts of the Death Row.. Taller than most of your average zombies, the mother possesses two pairs of gaping maws as arms, although it isn't her primary form of attack. A cousin to the Behemoth and the archetype of all male mutants, the Titan is much stronger than anything before it., Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. It is well known that the N4 virus is too volatile when in contact with external factors, such as radiation. They are the only mini-bosses that don't carry aggro when they spawn. If thats the case, it only made things worse; much, much worse. Dead Frontier is the ultimate survival horror MMORPG. It's rumored that Fairview's top body builders used the N4 Drug to stay one step above the rest of the competition, which have since mutated their elitist bodies into a monstrous and twisted mold of a "Titan". Every 20 minutes, 2 new Challenges will appear on the world map as purple highlighted areas, and will last for 20 minutes unless completed within the time limit. Do note that prices between the trade zones can vary greatly. It is advisable to keep a safe distance when facing this new variant, created by the brutal conditions of the southeast areas. Although his nickname, the rickety figure and awkward gait is laughable at first, "Fingers" is not a threat to trifle with. With the necrosis of its cells, the N-4 virus, and the fact that it is now aflame, almost any wounds that are caused to it are healed near instantly, and thats if the bullets even manage to penetrate its steel-like bones and hide. In addition to the normal hourly boss type, there are also special, extra tough bosses that only spawn once per day. Through the few sightings and reports on this new creature, it can be deduced that it suffered a necrotic mutation similar to that seen in the Charred Titan. With the passing of time, new mutations more dangerous than this individual emerged, such as the Devil Hound. The blast radius is comparable to that of a grenade launcher. The best way to go about this is to handicap the infected surrounding the boss as to make the fight incredibly easier. Video of ZeroLife killing a high level flaming Mother: Just when it couldn't get worse, even the Flesh Hounds and fire become a deadly mix of speed, a massive increase in their health, size, and even the trauma and pain they can cause to survivors. Because their tentacles extend enough to handle all combat distances, survivors need a massive amount of firepower, speed, endurance, and strategy to defeat this eerie reminder of humanitys best. The Stalker, unlike other Mutants, has never been seen to bite it's target, but rather swing and beat them down. Once an ordinary female infected, the N4 virus mutated its unfortunate victim into a figure that looks like it walked out of a nightmare. Judging by its last message before the crash, it was apparently damaged by a beast similar to the Behemoth. They should not be taken lightly, no matter what kind of happy, fond memories you may still have of these substitute Santas. All of them drop seasonal presents which may contain one in a list of various items; ranging from junk, to treats that boost certain combat stats for 1 hour, to components for the event's Craftable Weapons. The combined necrosis, reviving, and additional effects of the N4 that are not fully understood have turned the Black Titan into the epitome of a killing machineits bones have grown to form a kind of steel hide far stronger than that of any normal Titan, and its N4-laced flesh has developed the ability to seal up inflicted wounds multiple times before finally becoming vulnerable to permanent injury. It is advisable to change the sale prices of your items based on their prices in the different zones. I will 10,000% recommend you get agility to 100 asap and an armor with +20 agility. collects user's IP addresses to count profile visits and stores cookies on the client(s). Attack him with long range headshots with rifles and pistols, as his multiple heads make it very easy to score a headshot. Dealing a significant amount of damage to the Mutant will down them; however, within moments it shall stand back up, and continue it's chase. Notes: Flaming Flesh Hounds have 20,000 health points apiece, the same as Flaming Long Arms. I do. The map is divided into 9 trading zones in a tic-tac-toe design. Unlike normal bosses, these mini-boss packs can produce up to 4 lootable bodies, instead of only 1 or 2. Extremely fast attack animation, with a deceptively long and wide hitbox. Currently, the helicopter is only a rusting and rarely visited piece of steel, but several crafty survivors still plan to repair it or check it for working machinery or valuable information. You can deal a certain amount of damage (Check the stats above) to temporarily knockdown the Stalker, easier to do when your with a group of players. Theres a dead frontier boss map that shows what/where bosses spawn every hour. Spawns in the Green Zone and beyond, spawns in pairs in Red Zone and every zone afterward. This was the 3D map until January 2016 when new areas have been added to the game and the map was randomized. The same disturbing phenomenon observed in the "Slenderman" mutation seems to have been replicated in this beast, somehow the N4 virus identified the Wendigo in the subconscious of its host (who apparently must have been people quite fanatical of the myths and tales of the Wendigos) and mutated his body into a replica of this fairytale evil spirit. 15-20; Bite 32 / One Arm 64 / Two Arms 128, Level 25-30; Bite 64 / One Arm 128 / Two Arms 192, Bloodied; Bite 96 / One Arm 192 / Two Arms 288. Flaming Long Arms are the result of Black Long Arms coming into contact with fire, whether it's from burning derelict wrecks, explosions lighting them on fire, or just foolish survivors trying to burn them with molotovs, the Flaming Long Arm is fairly fast, can soak up bullets, and still keep charging. Ranged vomit attack reaches about 3x longest melee range. DF2Profiler Mission Map User Files DF2 HAVEN. Notes: This was the 3D map until November 2014 when new areas have been added to the game. Notes: Please take these stats with a grain of salt as a rough idea of how he works. This mark on the map will show the exact location of the crash location, in case you want to risk your life for a peek at this unique crashed vehicle. With multiple heads and a highly mutated vocal cord, the Choir's primary form of attack is to scream so loud that it damages the hearings of survivors and leaves them stunned for them to close in and tenderize victims with his giant bony spike that was once his arm. More than likely you can loot the Mother without killing all of the ground enemies but I recommend it simply for the experience. The formerly alpha reindeers used by Fatman and his minions for their misdeeds were infected by an cervid strain of the N4 virus. The black zone version of the Titan, with significantly increased speed and power. Even after seeing them eat the flesh our loved ones, we had difficulties accepting the truth. Tendril is the fastest Mutated Boss and will be very tough to kill, you need about 65-75+ Jog Speed and have to take the corner turns well other wise she will hit you, she attacks rather fast and multiple times rapidly with her long tentacle arms. Dead Frontier Gameplay Items Character in: Inventory Weapons Category page View source Contents 1 The Basics 2 Weapon Types 2.1 Looting Weapons 2.2 Melee Weapons 2.3 Pistols 2.4 Rifles 2.5 Crowd Control Weapons 2.6 Chainsaws 2.7 Shotguns 2.8 Sub-Machine Guns 2.9 Rifle-caliber Machine Guns 2.10 Other Weapons 2.11 Explosives 3 Specific Categories Reports of sightings of these creatures are always in December, when temperatures drop and the cold takes over Fairview, apparently it is the appropriate climate for the proliferation of these beings. Greatly increased speed and power compared to the Titan. It is recommended to bring high grade gear when fighting this new "Death Row" creation, as scouts sent to the southeast border have reported that these variants spawn in packs of 3. In the morning, the outpost's founder Nastya gave all survivors a mission: To find the crashed chopper and rescue possible crash survivors from its unknown location, somewhere within Fairview. Because he cannot be frontally attacked in the head, use high DPS or DPH weapons like sub-machine guns or shotguns and aim for his torso. It is not always accurate. Event aggro will be forced on for the entire cycle, even if the player has successfully killed all bosses in the area. - Extremely long scream range, roughly equal to the distance to edge of the screen. If there is something worse to which the N4 virus can be exposed than fire, there is not much to think about, except of course in radiation and this new irradiated variant of the Giant Spider proves it. 2nd Strategy is to lure Fingers behind a couch/sofa or any obstacle and shoot him in the side of the head whilst he is walking around it and not facing you, however this strategy usually requires a lot of fast aiming and flinch shots, takes some practice to get good at it. In the early days of the outbreak, fire was used to burn the bodies of the infected in hopes of eradicating the virus, however, it only made things worse. There are two types of status effects: positive and negative or buff and debuff. Apparently this kind of mutant boss has undergone a necrotic mutation (similar to the one seen primarily in the Charred Titan) which made it fully evolve in a walking nightmare. In the pre-outbreak world, St. Nicholas was believed to send out human helpers, dressed in his likeness, to various shopping malls and Christmas festivals around the world, to gather lists of the toys and gifts that children wanted. Be sure you're prepared before you try to extinguish one. Melee weapons, explosives and point blank gunshots can bypass the shield. Unlike the Titan, the Tendril has a small hitbox that may make it difficult to land shots on her although her head is more exposed. Evidence was recently unearthed of a covert mission conducted by AdminPwn, several of his commanding officers, and a handpicked team of elite survivors. In Greek mythology, its namesakes waged war with the Greek gods, and almost won. Close range attacks with shotguns and sub-machine guns are also viable as long as players can learn his scream pattern and retreat before he screams. Explodes if the killing blow is not from a melee weapon. Wasteland variant awards 1.875 EXP/HP and does not drop loot upon death. A SEZ-exclusive variant that appears in packs of 3. By now, the 'zone' borders in Fairview have changed dramatically - this map is only supposed to give a broad idea of the difficulty in each area. The Bossing Tips and Tactics page details the possible ways there are to hunt the mega-mutants of Dead Frontier. Multiplayer has been disabled as well. The time chosen for them is completely random and not affected by the normal 7 minute rule, and they stay for 3 hours instead of the normal bosses' 1 hour. The new mutations found down there bring with them spectacular abilities never seen before and the Mega Mother is proof of that. Care must be taken when engaging in combat with these creatures and it is recommended to bring high-grade weapons in order to stop this new threat, which proliferates mainly in the areas around the so-called "Death Row". [Darken Map] If the map doesn't update, please press Ctrl+F5! Dead Legend: 325: Entertainer: 602,511,376: GM: Precinct 13 [xduskreactive 24/24] Genei Ryodan . Although individually they pose little threat, they come in large numbers and can easily overwhelm an unprepared survivor as they move slightly faster than a male burned zombie and can do considerable damage. Survivors who have encountered these brazen beasts told stories of their buddies having limbs torn from them like nothing, showing that they are stronger than most mutated infected of their type. Another tactic is to continuosly target one of his legs and sever it, making his gaze next to useless while he crawls. Backpacks are an equipable item that adds Inventory Capacity to your character when worn; however, all backpacks also decrease your movement speed depending on the backpack type. Use this to see what bosses are currently available, and where they are at. The exact location of the helicopter is X30/Y37 X25/Y26. This new mutation has only been sighted in the confines of the southeast area and represents a walking danger for anyone who dares to enter these cursed places. The nature of the mother creates a breeding ground within her womb for mutated stomach parasites, whom she summons as minions when attacking by expelling them from her body. Survivors, unfortunately, are not gods. 3rd Strategy is for shotgun users, wait for Fingers to get within pointblank range whilst you are aiming at his feet, and then quickly flinch/aim upwards and shoot him in the face once or twice depending on your attack speed, and then look away fast. One hit is often all it takes for the Titan's mighty arms to kill anyone unfortunate enough to be within reach. Broken fragments of reports have been coming from the unexplored city area deep in the Black Zone of a monstrous Titan almost twice the size of an average Titan. Coming into contact with radioactive materials caused this new variant to have a more advanced regenerative factor than that seen in its flaming variant, which means that more bullets are needed to kill one of these beasts. Whatever-wherever-the daily quest, check DF2 Haven for a solution first! To outrun him you generally need Sprinter V and some clothes with good speed buffs. Depending on your character build a good strategy to dealing with her is to slowly circle her while attempting to take chip shots at her head or body. Again, the same strategy used with the smaller ones could be applied here as well, as neither of the theories of its genesis improved its intelligence. The mutations brought on by its evolution into a boss zombie have drastically altered its means of movement, its biological attributes, and its modus operandi of attack. Running faster than attack animations is how you survive a lot of the game before . Lately, there have been rumors circulating the outposts with word about a new kind of threat that would not be sated with just trying to eat us alive. Notes: Spawns in level 15 zones and beyond. A rare mutant species, somewhat similar to a Longarm, that briefly sprang up in the newly-accessed black zones regions around Halloween. After that amount of time has passed however, leftover bosses will no longer produce lootable item, and any remaining body will not give out anything. At this outpost, Critical Build #2 works exclusively on Machine Gun Proficiency. Contact Us; Dead Frontier Boss Zombie Map Boss locations updated at Enter player name or ID: 1 = Unknown x 5 2 = Unknown x 2 3 = Unknown x 2 4 = Unknown x 4 5 . Being accustomed to the abyssal conditions of cold climates, these beasts are sighted mainly on December dates. In Dead Frontier the fastest way to get your hands on armor and weapons is to hunt boss zombies. Beware of green zombies if you are a low level. This abomination is exceptionally deadly due to its heightened senses, unearthly reflexes, and ludicrous speed. DF Profiler provides its own bossmap page that can be viewed free of charge. Ongoing research has shown that this class of mutant is capable of inexplicably controlling the recently seen ravens that proliferate in Fairview and that it uses its evolved claws to hunt and slaughter its prey. Now armed with a shell of putrid, necrotic skin and faster than before with the ability to shred anyone in its path, the Mega Titan is a formidable foe. A special point of interest within the Inner City is the crashed helicopter, located in the southeastern part of the labyrinth of streets. At first glance it looks like a common Devil Hound except for this variant that sports a blue hide wich is cold as death itself. A two-player strategy to killing this boss legitimately would be to have 1 player equip items with high jog/sprint speed and run in circles around an obstacle whilst luring the boss, and the 2nd player stands at the door to prevent other infected from spawning in, and shoots the boss (best to rejoin the room if the boss chases the shooter). And if all this wasn't bad enough now they also present a walking radioactive hazard, at the moment of giving them the coup de grace they explode in a shower of fragments and toxic gases for the survivors. However, with the expeditions carried out in the southeastern borders, a new variant of the spider was discovered, more dangerous and lethal than before. You can accomplish this by shooting their calf and leg region thus separating the limb and causing them to fall. When she uses her spit attack the best move would be to strafe either left or right, preferably in the direction you plan to circle her, be mindful of the fact that if you stop moving too early she may still hit you with the last of her vomit projectiles. Their attack range isn't any different than the average infected, which means that no special tactics are necessary. Battle for survival against an army of infected zombies Explore a huge post-apocalyptic MMORPG world Wield over 100 real world weapons from melee to miniguns After the 1 hour mark, the old boss cycle is terminated and event aggro eventually fades away. Shield can only absorb a limited amount of damage. Buffs or debuffs can be gained from the food, drinks, or medicinal items your character consumes. While all agreed on how these zombies had gotten into this stage of mutation, not all of these people could agree on how they could have grown so exponentially. Now twice the size of a common variant, massive damage, and the vomit expelled now capable of melting any type of high-end armor in seconds (including its wearer in the process). DF2 character build guides. His head is rather less exposed which makes scoring headshots problematic. Dead Frontier Irradiated Giant Spiders [Boss] Vac 787 subscribers Subscribe 5.2K views 1 year ago Just from some spur of curiosity, I checked out the new bosses from the recent update. The few reports of sightings of these creatures suggest that they now have a much smaller body profile than their normal counterparts, the damage they can deal to their victims is far greater, they retain their bizarre ability to explode on death, and their speed is the same than its flaming counterpart, although its most striking quality is that due to being basically on fire inside, the vomit it expels is now a gastric flare capable of severely damaging anyone within its range. The supposed "Sister" to Fingers, the Spitter shares similar movements to Fingers, with the exception of being more lethal. The Mother hits hard so it is best to avoid getting hit by her at all costs. So, you now not only have to watch out for its instant killing punches, swipes, and excessive speed, but you're now at risk of severe burns. Any leftover boss not yet killed will stay until the player kills it or leaves the block, and lootable bodies will still give item for a certain additional amount of time. Scientists fled from the Secronom Bunker to the Wasteland to learn more about this mysterious beast, but only a few made it back to report their findings. Whatever the case, you should always be extremely careful when facing a herd of these beasts, produced by the conditions present in the southeast area. Although without a doubt their greatest type of offense is that now when they die they detonate into a bomb of bone fragments, necrotic skin hard as steel and gastric juices, capable of knocking out survivors in a radius comparable to a grenade launcher. Notes: The Dead Frontier Profiler Bossmap for finding zombie bosses. Several characteristics have been observed in these irradiated monstrosities, the first being that the N4 virus when exposed to radiation causes a mutation in its host, making it more difficult to take down due to its speeding up its regenerative factor. Wraiths are perhaps the least mentally affected by the mutations of Nerotonin-4, allowing them to retain their premortem mental acuity. Mysteriously appearing just before Easter, the mutants began attacking looters and fighters alike all around the city. AMMUNITION VS HEALTH POINTS. Spawns in level 10 zones and beyond. Unlike most guides, this one introduces the concept of Scientific Minimalism, which analyzes each task and determines the minimal equipment necessary to complete that task, allowing survivors to choose the optimal gears while saving precious resources. He's always been sprinting. Irradiated bosses have greatly increased health compared to their Flaming counterpart, and the ability to explode upon death. Accepting a mission which requires you to flee the stalker, a stalker will be spawned after accepting the mission. Headquarters 1 Headquarters 2 Latest News Thoughts, insights and sometimes rants from Hollow Prestige members. If one can evade him, you are rewarded with experience. Others are crushed under the sheer weight and mass of the Titan's charge. - Instantly kills any survivor no matter their gear. Several survivors recount how their teams are brutally decimated and devoured by packs of these aberrations, proving that the Wraith in all its variants remains a horrifying memory of humanity's best. The extremely lucky ones that managed to bring it down will surely have great bragging rights. It is advised to use a Shotgun or Machine Gun to combat them. Doctor Ozmark has theorized that the N-4 virus has manifested a strange mutation that somehow appears to overstimulate the build-up of gastric acids inside Spitter's stomach, which she then launches from her mouth towards her prey. Ring? Energy Drink x3 Kill Boss Level Range: 1+ (, Dallbow) wants you to: Kill 10 Adult Male Zombies Complete Mission Level Range: 1+ Now apart from possessing radioactive vomit capable of seriously harming the survivors, it has also become a walking radioactive bomb, so it is extremely careful to deal with these anomalies as soon as possible, or else one risks suffering the effects of horrible radiation poisoning. Boss Map. Attacks by continuously spawning parasites in huge amounts. Notes: +35% speed boost is essentially mandatory for open combat, unaided by barriers. Now, more than ever, the remaining survivors of the zombie infested Fairview need to band together to bring down such a heinous creature, before it wreaks havoc upon what little remains of Fairview and its survivors. Lower level bosses are not listed on the page. Dead Frontier Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Back when fuel was still available and vehicles could be operated, there were reports from scouts of these monstrosities outrunning moving cars and slaughtering their occupants in a matter of seconds. These mutants are by far one of the most unusual (and somewhat comical) enemies encountered yet. Doing this strategy correctly and leading him around the edges of the room by timing your stuns correctly to get some distance and not trap your self, then the boss will become very easy in no time. Unfortunately this had little to no results and ultimately all of these squads were either maimed or infected, resulting in the creation of this class of shield armored infected (hence their nickname). The Spitter is unique unlike other bosses, relies on its ranged projectile vomit attack, that spews 5 projectiles at the survivor, capable of inflicting burn status upon the survivor should the projectiles hit. The effect observed when exposed to high doses of radiation have caused a new variant in the Wraith. The easier strategy but less efficient strategy is to focus on shooting 1 leg until it gets decapitated, then stand close to the boss whilst he crawls and shoot his head, being too far away will cause him to deal damage by looking at his face whenever he raises his head whilst crawling. 1 3D version map Wiki Version 2D version map Full Size Map This map is not a fully detailed map, it only includes a few points of interest around popular locations. A creation from the realm of blackest nightmares, the Volatile Leaper appears to be a divergent evolution of the traditional Leaper-- some errant mutation in the N4 virus having pushed it down the same evolutionary path as other boss zombies that otherwise would have never occurred. Now nearly twice the size of the normal variant, weathered black skin yet resistant to almost any type of damage and capable of unimaginable speed is what characterizes this she-beast. Take advantage of their lower range and slower movement speed. Learn about the map Clan Roster The Hollow Prestige membership and links to character profiles. Whatever influenced down there to mutate this beast did its job well. Spawns in level 15 zones and beyond. Community Forums Discussions Character Builds; Character Builds. This is a boss mutation of the zombie dogs. Unwary survivors who encounter this beast will die just as they lived without a fighting chance. For each threat level, players are only able to acquire an amount of lootable bosses equal to the maximum boss count of that boss level; it is possible however, to fight boss groups of multiple threat levels in a single cycle to acquire more loot than normal. PLEASE GO TO DFProfiler Main Website TO USE AN UPDATED MAP! Dodge its attack by side-stepping (moving horizontally from its attack direction), instead of backpedalling. signals before crashing in an unknown part of the Inner City. The only fathomable way of the Flaming Black Titan coming into existence is that a Black Titan either walked into an enraged blaze, or some not so bright survivor had a ludicrous thought that trying to ignite the Black Titan would bring it down. Somehow, the Nerotonin-4 virus identified the Slenderman in these individuals' subconscious, and mutated their body into a replica of the monster. High jog speed is recommended when combating her. Resistant to knockback, but heavily susceptible to stagger from high RoF weapons. Melee is not recommended as it takes a long time to attack and leave you vulnerable to damage. A level 30 . Looking for a broach? He's very fast inside of a building especially. - Has the ability to turn slightly while attacking. It is also recommended to not engage in close quarters combat, as it's melee damage is equivalent to that of a Roid Hulk's or Mother's. During a full moon night around the festivities of Halloween, these strange wolf-like infecteds began to appear all over Fairview. Despite her size, the mother is slow, even when aggressive or injured. Worth noting that with enough Walk Speed you can just ADS/Reload the entire fight without him being able to hit you. Ones, we had difficulties accepting the truth significantly increased speed and power bossmap dead frontier boss map... Rare mutant species, somewhat similar to the Behemoth and the map was randomized Frontier the way. Prices of your items based on their prices in the Green zone and every zone afterward than! Spawn every hour Sell or Share My Personal Information very fast inside of a grenade launcher supposed `` Sister to... Were infected by an cervid strain of the Titan 's charge before crashing in an unknown of... 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Deceptively long and wide hitbox Shotgun or Machine Gun Proficiency and debuff 1 or 2 Flesh. Zombie dogs while attacking the supposed `` Sister '' to Fingers, with significantly increased speed and.! The trade zones can vary greatly are rewarded with experience 1 or 2 rough idea of how he.. Fatman and his minions for their misdeeds were infected by an cervid strain of the screen mentally! On their prices in the Green zone and beyond exception of being more lethal not. With the passing of time, new mutations more dangerous than this individual emerged, such as the Devil.. Carry aggro when they are encountered, they sometimes walk aimlessly on very rare occasions sure you 're before! And causing them to retain their premortem mental acuity trading zones in tic-tac-toe... Headquarters 1 headquarters 2 Latest News Thoughts, insights and sometimes rants Hollow. Other options are to run around and enter different rooms for 5-10 or! Provides its own bossmap page that can be viewed free of charge crashing...

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