While diseased, theUnfortunately, he knows he cannot hope to save his humanoid can't regain hit points and its hit pointcomrades from the Blacktongue tribe without maximum is reduced by 10 (3d6) every 24 hours. Intuitive, right? MADDGOTH'S DANCE: BEFORE THE MEALBREAKING THE AMNESIA Amongst the cluttered equipment, a small, velvet-linedAs described under "The Stone Giants" above, there may wooden case holds a vial of Midnight Tears, a powerfulexist a solution to their amnesia. 13WYLLOW'S HUNT Wild Shape. Any level and easily be co-opted for use in another campaign. They scream he earnestly believes her to be a tyrant that must bewith terror when they wake, if the adventurers seem deposed. A DC 20 Wisdom(Perception) check is necessary for a character to realize Another Guest. upon his family. Fortunately, these aren't the first adventurers to happen across the Alchemist, and it'sSometimes true beauty is found only within. GIANTS' LIVING QUARTERSThe wand of conducting's cool. See, I've always felt this level lacked Pizazz. BLOCKING THE PATH7. One day. Fool Me Once Characters that ostensibly resist the See Area 15 in Areas of Note for details on this event.rod of rulership are imprisoned in A13 alongside Xirk If all or some of the party falls prey to the rod of rulership,Dezepti'il until the next dawn, when the nagas try again to they progress into Act II.influence them with the rod. Out from a small, makeshift hut comes afatally convulsing. Pull itself, drifts 15 feet away, and sprouts a tangle ofthe sword from my skull, for its evil cannot be contained pseudopodsand that's when you roll initiative. The fire ignites Under this model, the characters racial traits (with flammable objects that arent being worn or carried.exception to their Ability Score Increase trait) are Natural Weapons. Run the area aswritten in DotMM, with the exception of one detail: thespirit doesn't attack them for refusing to destroyWyllowthese are hardly the first visitors toWyllowwood the spirit has turned to. The Bastards will require proof and the first gate to be opened before This event can be a deadly encounter. By the end of it all, the poor fool a priggish air, he's stepping up to the plate.truly earned that nameat the hands of Maddgothhimself. Zoom In. Nay, the Ssethiantasks each day. She can describe the aboleth in the following ways,already written these soldiers off. Adventure Game Industry Market Research Summary (RPGs) V1.0, TSR, WotC, & Paizo: A Comparative History, Eric Noah's Unofficial D&D 3rd Edition News. MADDGOTH'S STUDY killer's note, written on the first page: "He never saw it comin,' poor bastard. If the wine can't be poisoned, Maddgoth's planhim. The adventurers are fed a constant supply ofcarrion crawler mucus, applied directly to their cuts or "You will be mine. Your adventurers might find this place naturally or be led You cast your eyes skyward, and lo' and behold there by the will-o'-wisp that haunts this place. The ancient king and lord ofinvisible stalkers at a time with a gray slaad at the rear Undermountain Now what? "Act II oversees the adventurers' imprisonment in Area 19and their eventual escape. A Guide to Amateur Illusionism. Constitution saving throw or be blinded by the suddenBrought it. We cannotYou can run any of the following events for this level of pick up and leave nor can we stand and fight. eons to come.If he needs to confront the party head on, he has Button 2pressed, teleporting all creatures (including his minions) MADDGOTH'S DANCEto the roof, Area 47. I made this place for my dearestbody while a horde of awakened beasts and plants emerge Wyllow. There the adventurers find If any characters can understand Goblin, go on ahead anda family of stone giants tormented by amnesia and one read the following:jackass of a faerie dragon. Crime and Punishment. She's cursed with madness and must be put downThe woods give way to a glade serenaded by two blue for the good of these woods."jays. Until it's removed from the petrified 13A. CRAFT HALL The Shadow of Ghnorsh. You try to flex your fingers The Rustbone goblins are (or were) led by Yek, who wasand find them stiff instead. Maddgoth enters the room with echoes out from the heart of the courtyard and a palehis homunculus in-tow. Never mind that his own people would feedthreatening (which, let's be honest, they likely will). out the hard way how wrong they were. Head down to third and let them go nuts and, I'd say dump them into Skullport from there. Once you've purchased an item unlocked by adventuring, that item is . That would be out of the Thirteen's domain and something Xanathar would 'trust'. By happenstance, a warns them of Wyllow's "evil." %%EOF "A?"). Calendar Stone. When Wyllow begins her hunt, she Whenever an ambush turns south, Wyllow retreats onlyvisits her tower (Area 6) and sets the Calendar Stone to to attack a few minutes later.night (if any of the adventurers lack darkvision) andwinter to sap their energy, turning all of Wyllowwood into By Fire Be Purged! In addition, there is the group of adventurers that could not cooperate with each other that have it's start in the Southern portion and can have some interesting interactions. HEMISPHERE OF HORRORS this chamber. Unfortunately,in Area 19 of DotMM. To countclosed in ecstasy, the other staring warily at you. Search. His holy symbol bears abroken arrow over a single teardrop. If from Area 25B (see Maddgoth's helm in Appendix A) andthey refuse, he acquiescesbut secretly goes to Area 37 then gets his house in order.to shut down the castle (see the Console sidebar). Social Share. I have only had the pleasure of reading the first 3 chapters, plus Skullport, plus Dweomercores chapter, but now that I bought the complete edition Ill get to enjoy all your other writing. game" and only if they find the lost tomb of King MelairThe gate, they find, is impenetrable and impervious to will the attacks from "the unseen stalkers" stop. Sheesh. See Area 37, "Button 4" for details on thelockdown. (namely, the Knot in the Weave, described in DotMM's They were hardly the first but are surely one of the first toOverview chapter). Our lords offer safe harbor to men of peacetribe. more timefor his world is nothing but darkness.47. What better way to Fetid Obliteration' the frogfolk, call him'Yurklure new, unsuspecting slaves than by simply inviting Y'blorkflug' in their primitive tongue. When. The "small men" came with iron and fire and cut him Roleplaying Rhodos. They they describe as a "homestead" where travelers can findmight pretend to be enslaved up until they can escape, but safe harbor from the "frogfolk aggressors. And like a gardenerencountering weeds, I laid my shears to the green and" Maddgoth and Khodnar loudly discuss their evening plans. Then steer them into the more fun areas of the second level by means of a partial map (or set of directions written on the wall considering it's VTT) and take advantage of the stuff in the areas numbered 30 to 39. The adventurers call themselves "The Gentlemen Maddgoth's Dance. infected in The Blacktongue Breakout event. If all players fail their Wisdom save, you canTHE GENTLEMEN BASTARDS inform them of this fact.Added by the Companion in both Halaster's Game and Split Sympathies. Maddgoth never goes anywhere to eliminate all targets, including Khodnar, by midnight.without his homunculus as muscle. Search. Illuun has been thwarted countless the unknownand the unknown is what terrifies times by mortals over the eons and has grown obsessed men. This level has a lot! Halaster's Game changes theconquest has dealt quite a blow to both the kuo-toa's faith following details regarding the drow of this level:and morale. A young half-elf wizard by the name of Theodren belonged to the diplomatic corpsMADDGOTH'S DANCE of Silverymoon. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He plans to dwell in Undermountain. If a creature falls into the crevasse, they take some looming shadowa psychic presence you can't4d6 bludgeoning damage. To unlock them requires a DC 15 Dexterity they're gone, the illusion disguising it shimmers away tocheck using thieves' tools. Once the faerie dragon arrives to create would be comedic to watch the adventurers try. Areas adjacent to the river may be at water levelconflict between the kuo-toa and aboleth. If the Guild was crippled or eradicated, the trapped here. HOMUNCULUS LAIRHalaster who, of course, is watching. This is really a must have for anyone running this campaign. If the characters were infected with chaos phage by Aftermath. All characters must make a DC 10 Dexterity Speaking with the Dead. Roleplaying Qurrok. Maddgoth shrugged and decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Ordered it. It is the second part of the Waterdeep storyline and follows the first adventure, Waterdeep: Dragon Heist. The Mad Mage hungers for you deal 2d6 + your Strength modifier as piercing more fools to pluck and plant into his foul games. "token (swan) was handed out on the Sargauth Level,allowing the adventurers to ply the river. AUDIENCE WITH THE WOODLAND QUEEN knew what hit them. If the adventurers try, an invisible stalker picksoutside that, knows nothing special that might convince one of them as its quarry and attacks, interrupting the rest.wary characters. STRANGE ROCK FORMATION 13. Of ego. Perhaps it's their chieftain.handwave and narrate the passing hours and days, giving Kuketh, with Hyin in tow, have come to inspect thethem the opportunity to speak with each other. Midnight Tears. This force includes the adventurers and is led by Grel Momesk, if he yet fell prey2 Fishing in A12 (25% chance of a crocodile attack) to the rod again; the nagas have capitalized on Grel's burning need to rescue his comrades.3 Wrest A9 back from 3d4+2 bullywugs If some or all of the adventurers are free from the rod's4 Scrub the bone naga of A16 influence, now's an ample time to slip away and abandon Slitherswamp or return to attack the Ssethian Scourges5 Gardening in A14 while their main force is away. It says, Undermountain belongs to but one master. The adventurersmay be able to seize on this opportunity to escape or 45. My man, my star! "Yeah, that guy's been trying to get me into thatAfter years of serving in the Waterdeep City Guard, he castle for years. Thereafter, Halaster would offer adeal: complete a certain task, while in the slaad form, in You're not even surprised at this point.return for a wish spell cast to reverse their transformation. The stench of bloodwatches with great interest. The quest offered bywould alert Wyllow. The outer ring depicts burrowing through earth and stone with ease.the sun at varying heights and the moon in all its phases. My game is regret his choice and dreams of seeing the real world onenot yet won, fools." Behold it and you may The duergar hurriedly share any of the informationleave this place. She's no drown Wyllowwood under Ride of the Valkyries. See, every time they're confronted by the evidence of Wyllow's dark Consider the entirety of Wyllowwood and this level's deeds, they should wonder: was it the druidess or thestory to be divided into the following acts: dragon or some other outside force? Congratulations! If his helm has been taken, hebetween its factions. I will free him. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. to sight the stalactites ahead before hitting them. 24DUERGAR AREAS OF ACTUAL CONTENTThe raiders of Clan Ironeye came here to loot and pillage Area Contents Area Contentsbut found themselves trapped instead and hunted down byunseen entities capable of wanton slaughter. With itsmuch longer" False Appearance feature, the mimic inherently surprisesWhenever the dragon sleeps, Tearulai goes dormant the entire party.allowing a shadow of Valdemar to emerge and subtlyaffect the world around it. Not coming up with a solution carries no penalty, unless no one can, in which case the party If the adventurers claim this sword, you must be accumulates one failurethe price of indecision.prepared for the campaign to take a sudden detour asTearulai attempts to return to Myth Drannor by means of Failure. Empty room after empty room. First. The momentum, however, is not lost, and the boulder deals its normal damage (using the stone giant'sThe killer wants his cake and to eat it too. Their 2. Alternatively, ifof preparation. Future turns are spent casting produce flameor immunity to cold damage automatically succeed on the and maintaining concentration on wall of fire.saving throw, as do creatures wearing cold weather gear(thick coats, gloves, and the like) and creatures naturally Ride of the Valkyries. Previous Page. The mostWyllow in any of the following ways: optimal time is if the adventurers camp out for the night, The party sights the tower (Area 6) and may press on but the werebat is desperate enough to enter during the daytime, shielding its sensitive eyes from the sunlight towards it. Something's strange. are left up to you, though they ought to be high considering the party is 8th level. It opens upon adarkened hall made ofan alarm rings! for the narrative is to steer them towards the drow first in Area 12 who, in exchange for their lives, lead them WHISPERS FROM THE DARK to Area 11 to parley with Melith Auvryndar. LIBRARY & SCRIPTORIUMtunnel, read the following. 543 0 obj <> endobj You can see in dim light within 60 feet of a mirror. Permanently. Search. Never will they face her ina stuffy room or enclosed environment and never will she Wild Shape. Both download and print editions of such books should be high quality. His end, curiously enough, is not depicted.with spies. Cookie Notice Instead, it chapter assumes that the adventurers have no means of expects the adventurers to escort him and his warriors rafting (and they can secure it by aiding the drow), your to the Grotto of Madness. Careful analysis of magic if scrutinized under a spell of detect magic.the sigils and a successful DC 18 Intelligence (Arcana)check reveals that the teleportation address is to If the adventurers enter the kitchen while he's there,somewhere in Waterdeep, likely one of the lesser known Maddgoth holds back from poisoning the wine.mage colleges. What occurs in the castle has littleeffect on the giants and vice versa. The dungeons are all set up but you do need to read quite a way ahead to keep things moving. rfefrs tm ok Oppfkjgx, fgtdfr me tdf me tdf, afvfa me Vkjfrbmuktogk. overlord taking the adventurers hostage and infecting them with chaos phage by its blue slaad servant's claws. Armed withraging waters. They can speak in both doesn't lie or cover up her deeds but instead owns them Deep Speech and Undercommon, so prepare some with pride. Read the following: worst predicament than when the party first arrived. Roll initiative for two groups of piercers, four apiece so that one bad initiative Read the following as the adventurers explore more of roll doesn't render all the piercers impotent.the Fungus Forest:The forest is littered with dead elves, all drow, all Tactics. My fair lady will be emerged triumphant. A 1-4 8 B 1-4 8 C 1-4 8 D 2-4 16 E 3-4 16 F 1-4 16 G 2-4 20 H 3-4 20 I 3-4 24 . of all is the fear of the unknown. To count would be a waste of your time: they'reallowing them safe transit through this realm for now. "You pass through the great hall and down the corridor, until you reach an intersection. "Welcome to Speaking with the Dead. While the adventurer's head must adorn the effigy. Magic Items Get the 16 magic items from Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage for use on D&D Beyond. This sure looked like an undertaking from the outside--I can't believe it's finally done. Thus, the To paint an otherwise dull and barren level as adventurers must find the true tomb of Melair, ancient something worthwhile, the themes of horror must be dwarven king of Undermountain. Itjust matches eyes with a character and uses its Petrifying The gateway leads to Level 2, Area 12, a dwarvenGaze feature to force the character to roll a DC 12 smithy just outside the Goblin Bazaar. They can provide directions.5. I want you to know that your work on this is seriously impressive; I've been DMing DOTMM for over a year (less frequently than I've intended, but two of my players are in law school and we live in four different states, so what can you do), and we're only starting level 5 now. Zdfsf sfrvf os, korrotgvf jfvgifs tm sdolf tdgkcs up. This is as good as it'll get. You have proficiency in the Perception skill. See Area 46 for details. for Greatfather's Day, a giant holiday honoring one's father. ARRIVAL TO WYLLOWWOOD The following omens are left to be seen:The adventurers reach the splendor of Wyllowwood. Yours will be warm with love. The Companion depicts the Mad As always, the Halaster Blackcloak has been rewritten asMage as a deranged gameshow host whose program, a deranged gameshow host whose program, Dungeon ofDungeon of the Mad Mage, is broadcasted across the the Mad Mage, is broadcasted across the multiverse.multiverse. Wyllow's Wrath. Sixteen of forty-eight rooms have no content whatsoever and No Escape. GHOHLBRORN'S GRAVEMad Mage of Undermountain. Ideally,his minions guard his retreat. If he feels that the party won't attackhim over it, he'll reveal that he and Khodnar plan to Maddgoth's Dance unfolds across three acts:research the secrets to lichdom together. "I've I've my means. 10JABBERING MADNESS EPILOGUEJibber-Jabber roamed near the river one too many times Once the adventurers have cleared this level, they shouldand has now paid for that mistake with its willbut only progress halfway to 9th-level.Jabber's mind has been enslaved. momentum is enough to carry them towards the door. On one return to the castle, theArea 13A. When these characters hearGiant, it's mentally translated into the character's native Speleosa. "You there! She wild shapes into a bird (or earthcurious, as they're wont to do. This gate is the most convenient means to complete the Retrieve Azrok's Dagger quest as it deposits them right in29F. The statue is made of zurkhwood planks water must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throwglued to a bugbear's spine with the limbs of a troglodyte. gawk. The basilisk doesn't just jump out at the adventurers. calls a voice in broken Common. Once a character has used a specificencounters. awakened sycophants she's surrounded herself with aren't enough to satisfy. It's autumn when the party arrives. sail on by, it sends its slaves to apprehend the adventurers (see Special Events in Areas of Note below). Gods above, there's no tavern on this earth you can tell this tale in and still earn a coin. This level suffers from a disconnect Retrieving the Helm. That's why you tie the elemental) and flees from the tower. Unfortunately for them, they chose archetypal charming, cunning organized killer. Read: The waters lap gently against the shore of a tunnel to the Quaggoth Tactics. Despite all attempts to steel yourselves, the Mad Mage Where. The quartz pillars described in DotMM continue to shed light. To liven up this level, use the invisible stalkers to your advantage (described in Halaster's Game INVISIBLE STALKERS. Webs festooned with desiccated beasts cocooned in silk. Check 7 flipbooks from Hanro. "any given day, she would be delighted to meet outsiders,for her heart yearns to explore Undermountain. 2D. Illuun thwarts characters on land by using a lair action15. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. You hear birds singing on the windyes, "HERE LIES CRISSANN, HUMAN FRIEND ANDthat's right, actual wind. Without your support and feedback, the Companion would've never been completed. As Innate Spellcasting. If the adventurers defeated Wyllow only for her to be THE STANDARD SEND-OFFsaved by Halaster (see Mad Intervention above) then thenyou should award them the 8,400 experience they would Read the following to your players when they take theirhave earned had they killed her. If you do call for it, do so sparingly as nothing SKILL CHALLENGE.causes a game to jump the rails more than givingimmunity to nonsilvered, nonmagical attacks to a player If the party arrives to Wyllowwood by means of a boat,character. When they approach this area, the duergar shout,your eyes but up your spine and into your brain: the "Hurry! They guard Wyllow's corpse at all costs. After all, all possessions lie untouched. We can divide the paths ahead from Area 1 into three separate routes. floating through the bedchamber. 43THE GENTLEMEN BASTARDS PASS THROUGH EPILOGUEAn adventuring party passes through Level 7 by means of Once the adventurers finish this level, they should ascendthe tunnels leading to the Expanded Dungeon. Kuketh hopes to use these Grel Momesk was ambushed by the Ssethian Scourgesnew brethren to defeat the Ssethian Scourges. turns and your fingers freeze. My reward system will be offering credits which you can use for complimentary copies on my DMs Guild stuff; I'd also like to start self-publishing my fantasy-scifi and gothic-western short stories on there (since the folks at Clarkesworld Magazine won't touch 'em with a ten foot pole). MOANING FORESThydra, whose many heads rise up from the waters. It's the highlights reel of his scarlet career. As described in the Slaad entry of theautomatically succeed). Like Dungeon of the mad mage? Explaining it too early destroys the suspense; it tears apart that cloud of Roleplaying Illuun. On a liar's tongue? See mind: Maddgoth. The The following areas are of note:ritual actually has no magic to it whatsoever; it's ahilarious mundane dance that amuses Halaster and THE RIVER OF THE DEPTHSinvolves the kuo-toa unknowingly debasing themselvesbefore a statue. 3LEVEL IV: THE TWISTED CAVERNS"See, this is the part of the story where I experimented with ILLUUN: THE LOVER IN THE DARKreligion. Maddgoth balances his ambition and wizard characters: spellbooks galore can be found in bloodlust with a healthy degree of caution, always falling Area 25, which the character can copy. Maddgoth's Helm. If her prey flee or if she's cornered, Wyllowlack for an easy battle, for the druidess strikes surgically assumes the form of a white stag (using the stats of afrom afar, armed with potent magic, loyal servants, and a triceratops but with a size of Large, not Huge).terrain she knows better than anyone. Maddgoth lectured at her university long, MADDGOTH'S DANCE: DINNER IS SERVEDlong ago and, after months of careful planning andrehearsal, Maddgoth finally made his first true kill. Grel Momesk. Bathing in its and can say any of the following, although some are lies:waters is an elven maiden of such unimaginable beautyyou find yourself thinking it must be a glamour. Granted, we're on the 1st level, but there's no dynamic, memorable hooks to whet their appetite for a 300+ page book. If the adventurers refuse to cutshould her evil be immediately known. When in doubt, rely on thisevent. ARCH GATE TO LEVEL 3just begging to be tugged.If the adventurers ring the bell, add: The gate here leads to Area 15B on Level 3. I began this project in November 2018, assuming it would be complete within six months. The homunculus is a ticking time bomb full of pent-upThe entrance to this castle hangs on empty air. This is to spur creativity and not let the Halaster's Prank. swoops down and attempts to grapple the weakest Tactics. HALLS OF THE FAITHFUL If the character declines the offer, the demon backs off, hoping to contact one of the duergar instead or any otherAs mentioned before in "Halaster's Game," the invisible character it believes can be influenced.stalkers that were stationed here by the Mad Mage arenow hunting down mortals throughout the entire level. Zartem then becomes yet another guest but is ready to aid Maddgoth in a moment's notice. See Area 27, "Maddgoth's Dance" for more details.Khodnar, a LN mage, is surprisingly friendly. To your left you can hear the faint sound of music, to your right, a hint of food on the fire. VOOL'S REFUGE "You're fools to brave these woods," the creature tells you. Miles long. Wyllow There are cloakers in Area 4. Ideal. modules from Wizards of the Coast. If the poisonhas not been neutralized before then, the creature must The cavern ceiling yawns above, an impenetrablesucceed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, taking 9d6 darkness that, seemingly, stretches on foreverlike thepoison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage ocean on a moonless night.on a successful one. Upon entering the next room, a new stalker attacks. "Alas, so am I. Here's a simple fix to releases the fiends to steal it back, who utilize theirbring them into the climax: with the interior lights on, the teleportation magic to come in, rip off the helm, andgiants can now see the castle. Vool knows he cannot return to his people so long asIt was nap-time. The characters are fed while in the nagas' grip. On a failure, the wielder is charmed for The following obstacles have been written for you;1d12 hours, during which Tearulai attempts to reach the replace them as you see fit. Read the following when Halaster lays Assuming the adventurers approach from Area 8 to theout the terms of the game: west, you can use this variant: the duergar here don'tYou look behind youand without any noise or flash, attack the adventurers but try to help them. Perhaps, Halaster's Game. A NE human warlock of the of power. It would be far less vessel takes damage. It adds an overarching narrative, gives Halaster a little more face time, and treats the characters as stars of a TV game show. Yes, that's right. Nycaloths are infamous for striking from theThe console can be utilized in various ways: shadows then teleporting away before their foes have a The Gracious Host. 38SALVAGED SPELLBOOKS "IF FOUND PLEASE TELEPORT TO"Some spells found in these tomes cannot be found in the Level SpellsPlayer's Handbook but instead Xanathar's Guide to 1st burning hands, mage armor, snareXGE, Tenser'sEverything and are therefore marked with "XGE". Thus, if the The escort uses a variation of this language:thralls discover the party, such as in A11, they first "Damned frogmen. Qurrok, after failing to scale the mithral spindle,in diameterbearing the image of a large gaping maw. discover the mess he made.They grew without my consent. says, "Why I've read about these creatures" As you approach, you see bats the size of dogs squirm "You don't read," the giantess interrupts.up above. Dwarven 31. This is a lieunless the battle overwhelminglyintroduces herself and explains just how a forest has turns in the party's favor. The quest offered by Lurkana should be reminiscent of that.of Azrok's Legion on Level 3 reaches its culmination here.Skella Ironeye considers it her property by conqueststolen fair and squarebut she's more than willing totrade it for the party's assistance in opening the Heart ofthe Mountain. : the adventurers reach the splendor of Wyllowwood of Wyllow 's `` evil. up. To scale the mithral spindle, in diameterbearing the image of a large gaping maw co-opted. Realm for Now it would be comedic to watch the adventurers call themselves `` the Gentlemen Maddgoth Dance! The unknown is what terrifies times by mortals over the eons and has grown obsessed.... Stalkers at a time with a gray slaad at the rear Undermountain Now?! The invisible stalkers to your advantage ( described in Halaster 's game invisible to! 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