This develops animosity rather than good will. Another type of patient presents a history calling for a complete rehabilitation program, but for one reason or another, such a schedule is not possible at the time. May I help you?" In both physical appearance and mental attitude, be sure that your office has a reception room and not a waiting room. The services offered vary considerably, from simply relaying messages to electronic paging or two-way radio dispatching. A doctor should never be required to do an unlicensed procedure in the office that an assistant can do as well or better. * compose on computer Compose professional business letters 10. Regardless of the system used, guides should be used to divide the drawers into appropriate sections (Fig. On the other hand, because you have no experience with the specific patient, a thorough history and examination are necessary to provide competent care. Rather, it is better to respond, "There appears to be a poor connection. I've entered your name on my calendar for a time reservation at 10:30 in the morning on next Tuesday. Sound policies and procedures can relieve you of mundane decision-making chores so that time is available for more pertinent tasks. In addition, laws change over time and vary by jurisdiction. About 4 weeks prior to the March appointment, the folder will be placed under the appropriate day tab. What new policies and procedures should be developed and implemented? If office systems are well-planned, emergency treatment can be administered to unscheduled patients without greatly disrupting the schedule. It's more practical to have a full hour open at the beginning or end of a morning or afternoon, rather than four 15-minute or six 10-minute openings scattered about. Correspondence concerning specific patients and copies of letters and reports relative to cases should be filed within the respective patient's case record folder. An "Insurance" file can be subdivided to differentiate between "Office Policies" and your "Personal Policies. * Send memos Worker's Compensation (local office). established patients require how much time. * Call ahead, * Paper 2. age and DOB. On or near the doctor's desk and each assistant's desk should be trays to receive incoming and outgoing forms, reports, and correspondence. Continuous education and controls should be taken at the first instance of disrespect for the case plan. For example, proper lighting, air conditioning, and ventilation can be checked. ), or "I don't know where he is" (Something secret?). All records, instruments, and supplies should be returned to their proper storage place. Poor appointment management, for instance, can result in businessmen missing important meetings and employees being penalized for being late. To avoid these extremes, supply and demand must be kept as parallel as possible. Patient cancellations, changes, and "no shows" should have a line drawn through them and not erased, and these acts should be recorded in the patient's permanent records. Our objective has been to offer basic data that you can take and amend to fit your individual needs. Care must be taken to see that the correct amount is set for each classification and weight. Each new procedure or modified procedure should be based on general guidelines (policies) from which specific procedures can be developed and meshed with other policies and procedures. statements. Some large offices have a manual for business functions and another for clinical functions, while smaller offices just separate these functions by a divider in one book. While persistence in holding firm to your objectives is an asset in accomplishment, achievement strategies must frequently be amended to meet the unexpected. There is little difficulty in assigning the correct alphabetical position in the file to each patient's record when indexing is done by the unit method. what type of appointment is most appropriate for this patient? Many of these privacy laws protect information that is related to health conditions . There are single-line telephones that come in a wide variety of types, colors, and sizes, with either dials or pushbuttons. * Printer: print from computer, fax & copy & scanner device, photo quality, double-sided printing, wireless option. Sometimes a caller refuses to provide adequate identification. Medicolegal situations The "Nuisance" Caller. Positive initial and continuing impressions are an integral part of developing and maintaining a successful practice. PATIENT ORIENTATION TO APPOINTMENT POLICIES Requests for a definite time of an appointment can be a problem area. A steadily declining profit margin is an indication of either decreasing patient volume or increasing operating costs or both. There need be little conversation relating to preparation for treatment of an established patient. Caller: I would like to speak with Dr. Smith. Reading material should be placed neatly in a rack. If two or more enclosures are to be sent, the smaller one should be placed on top. This takes discipline because life presents many distractions and invitations to procrastinate. Slips attached to charts while patients are in the office. Be alert to the fact that many people become quickly irritated when their call is answered by a machine. Time is always a problem. Has the patient sought help elsewhere for this particular disorder? Some offices use a printed fill-in card. Invoices for office expenses, for example, should be filed under "Bills Payable," and then transferred to the "Taxes" file after they are paid. Some offices place files of deceased patients and of patients who have moved from the Unworthiness indicates a profound lack of appreciation of the doctor and his services. Such rationalization leads to ruin; such thinking cruises like a ship without a rudder. explain the importance of discussing general office policies to patients? There are two phases in the initial consultative process. This is why even the most seasoned compliance professionals need a refresher on why policies and procedures important in the workplace. Material may be filed here for which there is no separate name folder. No system is any better than the manner in which it is used. What type of info would she need to bring for her son, New patient appointment Journals Accounts receivable procedures The most simple alphabetical indexing method uses three units. When it is realized that 94% of all new patients are the result of direct patient suggestions, the importance of recognizing and thanking patients sincerely for each referral is underscored. If the patient is a minor or incompetent, space should be provided to record the name of the patient's parents or guardians. Distribution. Your policies and procedures manual should address most major aspects of your practice operations. Every practice requires a certain amount of working capital. 3.13) Some patients have definite preferences, while others have none. The Inquisitive Caller. single-booking. Businessmen seek answers to why people buy or stop buying. Weekly, wood furniture should be dusted and polished, leather and plastic should be cleaned with a damp cloth and saddle soap, and upholstered furniture should be brushed and fluffed. These lead to five different forms of typical health service depending on the problem involved: (1) emergency case, Handling several progress reports or inquiries by telephone may dominate lines needed to receive and schedule appointments. The various rooms can be prepared for patients, telephone answering service messages can be recorded, and equipment checks can be made. It is also here that returning patients gather their thoughts before they see you. In addition to the various business equipment previously discussed and common to most offices, computerized equipment offers special mention. The cleanliness and organization of all rooms should be frequently checked. It is the chief way patients communicate with the provider. ADMINISTRATIVE RATIONALE This allows flexibility needed for patient care, makes fullest use of examining and treatment rooms, avoids delays for the doctor while patients are being prepared for examination or treatment, and helps handle the problem of the tardy patient (Fig. Medicare (local office) Experience of many practitioners has shown that the emergency patient should only receive services of an emergency nature. An 869-page book, for example, may be reduced to ten 4-inch x 6-inch cards, occupying only 1/8-inch file space. OPENING ROUTINES A policy is a basic statement, principle, or predetermined guideline covering a limited area on which the practice operates and serves to achieve its objectives. When a check is properly made out, the proper data should be entered within the daily record and patient's ledger. If the patient should call and request an appointment for later that day, the appointment should be made if an opening is available. Heating and air-conditioning units should have their filters replaced as necessary. Whatever the time and effort to get them right, its worth it. On the human side, rare is the doctor who is thorough in record keeping who does not maintain strong doctor-patient relationships --a basic key in practice development. Other common causes include over-optimistic purchasing or poor inventory turnover. Equipment service procedures For legal and insurance requirements, it is always good to have the patient's chief and minor complaint in the patient's handwriting. * confidentiality 3.18), listing all educational programs attended whether approved for relicensure or not. The patient must assume full responsibility for failure to follow professional advice. They take up considerable room depth, but not too much wall space. A trained assistant can handle calls relating to making appointments, taking messages, answering routine questions about insurance claims, receiving a favorable progress report, answering requests for a housecall, answering complaints or misunderstandings over a bill, taking calls from sales people, and answering nuisance calls. A more sophisticated form of alphabetical indexing uses five units. Roentgenographic procedures Most offices will have on file several form letters of this nature that can be personalized. Without these records, few doctors would be able to remember from one visit to another what was previously learned or accomplished. 3.8). The daily routines just discussed are a good example of task planning. one way to ease fears and maintain good report with patients is to communicate clearly what is expected from patients of the practice as well as what patients can expect from the office staff. Would you mind speaking a little louder and slower?" In alphabetical indexing, it is good procedure to have a miscellaneous folder for each letter of the alphabet that is placed behind the last folder within a particular alphabetical section. Anything that requires repair or servicing should be noted. Office hours should be carefully charted. Caller: How much does the doctor charge? 7. modified wave. Visualize the plight of the mother with a sick child who cannot make contact with your office because the line is busy. The more you can do efficiently within your office, the less expensive will be your outside accounting costs. 4. patients should be advised of what means of communications will be used to contact them, how billing will be handled, ant safety procedures they are expected to observe and what they can expect from employees in general. Thus, proper surveillance of comprehensive data flow is imperative. Most narrative reports begin with a background of the patient's condition, the doctor's gross impressions, then render details about the complaints, outline the patient's history, report examination findings, correlate submitted records if there are any, and arrive at a diagnosis or working diagnosis. Well, thats easy: because business operations change. Assistant: Yes, Dr. Smith is a very fine chiropractic physician. Available answering services will be listed in the yellow pages of your telephone directory, and most can be contracted on a month-to-month basis. Because the telephone is a low-fi instrument, many overtones and undertones appreciated in direct conversation are lost. The practice not only loses face, it loses an opportunity to serve and ultimately suffers an economic loss. As with other irregularities, patients who change appointments without adequate notice or justification must be tactfully reminded of office policy else the practice would be contributing to the patient's delinquency and help to establish a negative habit pattern. What are three acceptable times that info can be shared, as set forth by HIPAA? (3) loan payments are above forecasts, Policy impacts issues as fundamental as healthcare access, cost, delivery methods, and privacy. You answer it, glance at the appointment book, and schedule a patient in the apparently open 3 pm spot of next Monday. It is most difficult and hypocritical to criticize patients for being late for their appointments if the doctor is consistently behind schedule. What is the status of your practice at this time? In many cases, your assistant's quality of voice over the telephone may calm or reassure a nervous patient. Explain that appointments are necessary. To be sure of the name of the caller, your assistant should repeat it one or two times during the conversation. First aid should always be extended upon request, however. Every office requires certain basic data on every new patient to initiate the patient's file. Caller: I would like to speak with Dr. Smith. Incoming and outgoing correspondence procedures The only safeguard is to constantly remember that the patient is more important than the procedure. A one-size-fits-all set of patient care policies will not work, as every facility's needs are different based on the type of care it provides. how much time is required to see this patient? The elderly or disabled should be assisted with their coat and boots if necessary, reminded of personal packages, and offered an appropriate farewell as the patient leaves: "We'll be looking forward to seeing you on Monday, Mrs. Assistants should be taught that phrases such as "Good morning," "Good afternoon," or "May I help you?" Warning signs are seen when debt exceeds forecasts, supplier relations become strained, or when funds are not available to take advantage of an opportunity requiring cash. Primary physicians frequently refer patients to specialists. Calls requiring immediate attention should be separated from those that are not urgent. she calls to report that she is out of two of her regular medications, has been running a fever for two days. Payers trust you, as a physician, to provide necessary, cost-effective, and quality care. Standard forms can be obtained at local office supply stores or from a number of mail-order catalogs. And, if you are a member of a certain committee or commission, this file may be subdivided accordingly. * Concise If a writer might be offended when his letter is answered by an assistant, it would be poor procedure to create a negative impression. Too few records result in poor patient and administrative control, and too many records increase office "red tape" in case management. Caller: How much does the doctor charge? If your assistant cannot hear the caller clearly, she should use extra tact and courtesy. CCollaboration. Your staff can do much to create an impression of punctuality, concern, efficiency, and cooperation in the minds of patients by rigidly setting a positive example. One test of a good assistant is the way she handles calls when under pressure, when the last thing she needs to hear is the ring of the telephone. 3.16). Informed consent is when a healthcare provider like a doctor, nurse, or other healthcare professional explains a medical treatment to a patient before the. One is the central storage area and the other is in the various work areas where the supplies are used. The "I Care" message must be conveyed. Some doctors with special needs have sheets custom printed and bound to their specifications. Case records are as important to the patient as they are to the practice. Worker's Compensation (local office) You exert significant influence over what services your patients receive, you control the documentation describing what services they actually received, and your documentation serves as the basis for bills sent to insurers for services you provided. The ring of the telephone should be answered with sincere interest, warmth, courtesy, helpfulness, and understanding. Make eye contact when appropriate and help your patient feel comfortable with you. Some offices do not require such initialing. All patients deserve a courteous explanation of why a long delay is necessary. They prefer quality bond stationery and supplies. FUTURE APPOINTMENT REFUSALS Wastebaskets should be emptied, supply shelves should be restocked, and special equipment necessary for the next day should be checked. When it is found that a new patient was referred by an established patient of your practice, it is good policy to send the referring patient a note or letter of thanks. You cannot score a touchdown if you do not know where the goal lines are. (b) If the loop is placed in a magnetic field B=1.5TB=1.5 \mathrm{~T}B=1.5T, with \boldsymbol{\mu} perpendicular to B\mathbf{B}B, what is the torque on the loop? As we mentioned, policies and procedures guide employees on how to behave. On the surface, it may appear that anyone can look at the appointment book, see an opening, and fill in a name for the time reservation. Even taking advantage of the telephone company's discount time periods will make a difference. There are numerous systems on the market designed to fit a variety of needs. This results in a reduced profit margin. Ahead, * Paper 2. age and DOB too many records increase office red. 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