Lead Work Center production contributing to 800 Maintenance actions.He personally inspected and completed 250 maintenance actions with 930 man hours accounting for 12 percent of total Maintenance actions contributing to the RFI rate of XX%. His dedication to mentoring 13 junior personal resulted in four advancing-in-rate and two ESWS qualifications. SELECT FOR CPO NOW! PERFORMS AS A THIRD CLASS PETTY OFFICER!! Commands typically have to the end of the month/15 days after the end of a reporting period to have their evals postmarked. DILIGENCE TO DETAIL: PO2's detailed and unparalleled commitment contributed tremendously to the mission of XXXXX Kandahar. -Community Involvement. Examples. -PROVEN BEYOND HIS PAYGRADE. **, ***SUPERIOR LEADER ALREADY PERFORMING AT THE CHIEF PETTY OFFICER LEVEL*** What is the difference between Individual Augmentation (IA), IAMM, GSA, and OSA? The original reporting senior, the member or the members present command can submit administrative changes. Blocks 10-13: Periodic c. Blocks 14-15 . Petty Officer Donate is already performing at the Chief Petty Officer level. While assigned here, from 15 Sep 13 to 25 Jan 14, he accomplished the following: I have taken action to make sure that I will uphold my future deadlines, so this will not . After a Sailor returns from a deployment, will the 180 day guideline for placing a Sailor in an INDIV AUG billet subcategory impact IAMM, GSA, and OSA Sailors? 2. PROMOTE NOW! CAPT G. Mark Hardy III, USNR National VP for Professional Development. This is based on the reporting period regardless of when the Sailor may have checked into the Command. Pers 32 Concurrent Reports (E5 and above) in Same Summary Group but with Different Regular Reporting Seniors. -PROVEN MENTOR. From Navy Personnel Command Public Affairs MILLINGTON, Tenn. (NNS) -- The Navy has announced a new online capability that allows board-eligible Sailors to submit letters to the board (LTBs) electronically, Sept. 27. How do you correct a rejected report? GROOM IMMEDIATELY FOR KHAKI'S!!! Reports on members in the grade of E-4 and below may not be delegated below the grade of chief petty officer (E-7) or GS-11 or equivalent. A ONCE IN A GENERATION SAILOR PERFORMING AS A CHIEF PETTY OFFICER-SELECT NOW-PRESS 100! He has my strongest recommendation for advancement to Petty Officer First Class. Selected as SOQ for 4th QTR, 2018. -EXCEPTIONAL WORK HABITS. Insistence on strict adherence to all published policies and safety procedures. While there could be a number of factors on why that eval is subpar, one thing is for sure; the sailor is frustrated at the chain of command and wants to submit a statement. IAMM is the traditional rip-to-fill IA Temporary Duty (TDY) assignment. How do I get a copy of my report? NAVPERS 1616/26 Evaluation/Counseling Record (E1-E6) The effectiveness and quality of your annual evaluation depends on much more than the Comments on Performance block. NAVFIT 98 will not print the information listed below. frocking to E7. ABSOLUTE MUST FOR IMMEDIATE SELECTION TO CHIEF PETTY OFFICER!! Example: Three EVALs were received within the minimum time-inrate period. Guided 6 Sailors through 300 hours across 1B departments that achieved 100% PQS compliance and 'No Findings' during MEDIG inspection. Superbly managed NAPP Intergrated Production Data Repository, tracking 540 candidates from RTC to completion of "A" school and follow-on training at 10 Fleet Replacement Squadrons while programming "A" school production through Fiscal Year 2022. Coordinated one Department in the Spotlight inspection with SAT pass-rate. 3. His Sailors accounted for 4,776 PMS checks, totaling 3,401 hours and achieved a periodic accomplishment of 938 throughout 4 Force Revisions. Completed reports by recording observations, occurrences, and surveillance activities. You must be identified in enclosure (3) of your command's exam return transmittal. As Lead Deck Engineer embarked onboard RUSHMORE in support of OPERATION OPPORTUNE LIFT, successfully led 5 Sailors in the replacement of 2 CGVAs while maintaining a 100% PMS PAR score of 2 LCAC, ensuring a flawless turnover of LCAC 80 and LCAC 82 to NBU-7. Can I download NAVFIT98A to my NMCI computer? 6. The regular reporting senior will sign and return the original report to the concurrent reporting senior for submission. Trained 59 Marines and Sailors in over 75 topics consisting of, Collateral Duty Inspector, Navy Advancement, Support Equipment, Avionics Equipment, Mentorship, and Programs leading to 5 Collateral Duty Inspectors, and 6 Static Frequenct Conveter qualified personnel increasing training, bench awareness, and prodution time by XX percent. Navy Personnel Command Only accepted performance evaluations are used incalculating the RSCA. ***DO NOT LET THIS ONE PASS YOU BY. 31. **, ***RANKED #12 OF 282 FIRST CLASSES ONBOARD TRUMAN! I was unable to submit it in time because I was really feeling unwell. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What specific advancement topics are discussed at the Career Development Board?, Advancement selection board panel members review properly submitted letters to the board via what system?, Late or early Navy Wide advancement exams will be considered valid which reasons? NAVFIT98A is considered a NMCI CORE APPLICATION (CA). This change applies to evaluations and fitness reports with end date (Block 15) of 1 August 2010 or later. Petty Officer Picquet is part of the Command Focus Group to aid in hearing the needs and concerns of all sailors to make the unit stronger. Historically, IA was the only IA assignment. PERS-32 will update the mainframe to indicate the rejected evaluation as supplemental data. FYXX CIWT/IWTCVB SAILOR OF THE YEAR! Both Individual Continuity Report and the Reporting Senior's Submission Report will show the report status. Listed below are the major reasons for rejected reports: - Forced Distribution Errors. Assisted in the creation of USNH Yokosuka's first ever IMIT Christmas care-package handout for junior sailors. Deep sea duty and navy eval late submission example letters are good to pass a good and two junior sailors about their records. When should the 180 day counter begin when an IAMM or OSA Sailor returns from deployment? Two status reports are located on BUPERS ONLINE (BOL) that will help you track performance evaluations. Now, the term "IA" encompasses three different types of assignments: IAMM, GSA, andOSA. The semi-annual PFA cycle are defined as follows: Only the results from an official PFA are used to determine the codes for Block 20 on a performance evaluation. Petty Officer X has produced SUSTAINED SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE as a First Class Petty Officer. Hand picked to be the primary VMS operator during the ships's MOB-N readiness inspection cycle. 22. As Departmental Career Counselor, responsible for 12 CDB s, 1 re-enlistments, 1 advancement and 16 college classes completed across 28 Sailors. Engaged leadership yielded 13 sailors completing SRF-B and 1 sailor to complete MESF Navigator-Basic, MESF Navigator-Advanced, and MESF Coxswain which greatly improved mission readiness. and to submit input to reports, review and correct their records, and submit statements and appeals. ** CORNERSTONE OF MY LOGISTICS TEAM. 47. (See question: "I just returned to my parent command from an IAMM or OSA assignment and my periodic evaluation is due, can I be ranked against my peers?". The FY selection board season is getting underway, and as always, it prompts a flurry of last-minute correspondence. Sailor 360 and FCPOA. Two JSOQs and one BJOQ selected one advancement, two NAM's, 2 MOVSM's, and 42 college credits earned by his Sailors pursing further education. Maintains and tracks 109 NMCI assets with zero losses. Volunteered 120 hours as a Youth Football and Basketball coach; tutored 25 adolescents in personal development which made a huge impact while fostering a positive rapport in the community as a Navy Ambassador. Do not submit a Letter-Supplement to correct a report that is in a REJECTEDstatus. IMPARTING KNOWLEDGE ACROSS ALL PAY GRADES- SELECT TO CPO. - Command Involvement. SOY, six SOQ, four NAMs, five USMAP, six ATS, two degrees, 75% advancement, and 100% 17. Thanks! His efforts as 3MTT member were instrumental in improving ship wide Administrative Effectiveness Review(AER) scores, which greatly contributed to CHAFEE's successful 3M LTT. **RANKS 1 OF 20 EXTREMELY TALENTED AND COMPETITIVE 3RD CLASS PETTY OFFICERS. Contact your local helpdesk for the Winzip software. As Assistant Operations Departmental 3MA, he facilitated xx hours of training, qualified xx Sailors in 3M PQS, managed 4 Work Center's and xx personnel in the effective performance of x,xxx hours of maintenance. ***MOTIVATED AND FORWARD LEANING FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICER.***. 25. A grade no greater than 1.0 in "Military Bearing" or "Professionalism" (EVAL Block 36 or CHIEFEVAL Block 35). His dedication to excellence and tireless work ethic with 19 off-duty hours for 15 advancement course to 13 sailors has made him a resourceful professional that resulted in two sailors being promoted. If the regular reporting senior does not mark block 17, this report will be accepted as a Concurrent report only. As per BUPERS Instruction 1610.10, you have 10 days to submit a statement after signing an adverse report, or two years to submit a statement for any other report. -TECHNICAL EXPERT! Led 13 departmental and divisional LPOs across 5 learning sites in the execution of E-5 command ranking boards, ensuring proper administrative continuity for 41 evaluation reports. Despite being onboard for a short time, she has made significant contributions in a number of areas at SEC DET. Version28 is 2.002.0028 and Version30 is -TEAM MEMBER. *** SUSTAINED SUPERIOR PERFORMER AND PROVEN LEADER; READY TO RUN ANY DEPARTMENT! Kept a direct line of communication with battalion LPO ensuring that the most up to date taskers are being filled. - Special report without justification for submission in the Comments on Performance block. Assertively seeks out guidance from his superiors and utilizes the past branch experiences to seek out other responsibilities and lead. - PROVEN LEADER. NAME/SSN errors: If the member's name and SSN do not match what is found in the Naval Personnel System database, PERS-32 will automatically correct the report. Do concurrent evaluations count towards my PMA for advancement? *** The report then becomes the Regular report for the period concerned. Emphasizes the importance of Community relationships. Additionally, we process correspondence at a lower priority than fitreps and evals. -EFFECTIVE MENTOR. 41. -DECKPLATE LEADER. As CSADD Treasurer, she/he managed a budget of $2,500 in order to conduct fundraisers and outings to include: Bowling, Wreaths Across America and Halloween trick or treat at the CDC. Additionally, her aggressive follow-up actions systematically reduced the number of trouble calls by 40%. Delivered 150 hours of instruction through 6 course convenes to 105 fleet Sailors increasing IW readiness for 3 Carrier Strike Groups and Amphibious Readiness Groups. 1. His incomparable leadership earned the Security Department an unparalleled consecutive flawless inspection. EVAL/FITREP Generally, performance evaluations should be submitted by the command who issued the report to the member. Petty Officer BLANK's precise troubleshooting skills and his superior initiative to the mission lead to the timely repair of 12 F/A-18E which unequivocally lead to VFA- high sortie completion rate at 97% greatly increasing CWV-3's fighter and tanker aircraft capabilities. Examples can contributed using this form. Actively involved in the development of Sailors providing sage advice and up-to-date information on a myriad of retention related subjects to enhance their personal and professional growth. She/he coordinated and led 10 personnel in the volunteer effort for the Honor Flight volunteer opportunity. (1) Departments Heads will sign as the Reporting Senior for E-5 and below EVALs. His unfaltering leadership is well known in the unit. -ADMINISTRATIVE JUGGERNAUT. Revamped a dormant CPO 365 program. Completed 270 maintenance actions in the division flotation shop, totaling 1,109 mishap-free man-hours and significantly contributing towards an unprecedented 98.1 percent Ready-for-Issue rate and a $25 million rotatable pool with 100 percent pool availability. 38. Explains desire why you want the job. PROMOTE NOW!! As Departmental Training Coordinator, oversaw the qualification of 5 PQS across 28 Sailors while leading one Sailor in the tracking and regional reporting requirements for Oil Spill Response readiness. The command's administrative officer should be contacted to ensure proper and timely submission of performance evaluations. Oversaw the completion of 6 The Joint Commission inspections, resulted in a 100% pass rate. When submitting missing performance evaluation(s) directly to PERS-32, mail a copy to the following address: Commander Training commands and replacement training squadrons may delegate to the lieutenant (O3) level. 39. Who is authorized to be a Reporting Senior? It's important to submit a well-written Navy Eval Form in order to receive the most accurate and beneficial evaluation possible . Partnered with Monmouth County Habitat for Humanity, she organized eight separate events for NWS Earle Sailors to help rebuild the community. The Performance Evaluations Branch receives 500,000 to 600,000 reports annually and approximately 10% are rejected for fatal errors. -COMMAND IMPACT. Exceptions are not permitted. - Enlisted members cannot receive a promotion recommendation of Progressing when the members last promotion recommendation in the same pay grade was Promotable or higher. the entry in the block as unknown. What actions should I take if NMCI has not updated my NAVFIT98A program by 01 August 2010? Aggressively seeks to aid his work center by training for and accepting new responsibilities. 43. I just returned to my parent command from an IAMM,GSA,or OSA assignment and my periodic evaluation is due, can I be ranked against my peers? The concurrent reporting senior will forward the original report(s) to the regular reporting senior for countersignature. Her efforts directly enabled BHR to forgo MOB-N 1.3 and move straight to 1.4 with an overall score of 93%. She/he qualified as Explosive safety driver which directly contributed to the ability to qualify over 30 Police Officers and Master-At-Arms. - DEDICATED TO NAVY's CORE VALUES. *** PETTY OFFICER (LAST NAME) IS A TRUE PROFESSIONAL THAT SETS HIGH STANDARDS FOR HER/HIS PEERS TO EMULATE. Petty Officer Dunn is an exceptional mentor, proven performer, and standard bearer for all to emulate. A proven performer who exhibits unsurpassed level of knowledge and management skills. Assit CMEO, conducted 1 climate survey and facilitated 11 focus groups for 180 Sailors. 42. Supplemental material should only be submitted to correct a report that has already been filed to the official permanent record. However, we recommend that you copy all databases in the following folder as a safety precaution. Eager to utilize technical publications and make informed decisions in correcting aircraft discrepancies in minimal time. Periodic reports submitted on non-Periodic dates: If PERS-32 can determine the occasion for the report, the report(s) will be corrected. 3. ***, ***A MODEL SAILOR! Open NAVFIT98A -TEAM PLAYER - E-5 eval facilitator for board that ranked 31 evals. An administrative change can only correct entries in blocks 1-19, 21-27 and block 44 for FITREP or block 48 for EVAL. His efforts contributed to the division 100 percent retention rate. 2. Performed all duties with the ease and confidence of a professional. 1. -METICULOUS. Displays a positive attitude at all times her infectious "can do" spirit has filtered throughout the workcenter increasing production, morale, and led to her selection as engineering's FY20 quarter 1 Sailor of the quarter. As the Funeral Honors Coordinator, he lead a team of 40 personnel including officers and enlisted. VFA-2'S SAILOR OF THE YEAR! As Lead BLS/CPR instructor she coordinated 27 classes for 7 different commands, qualifying and recertifying 226 Sailors across the NAS Lemoore flight line. Supervised four Sailors across 162 routine maintenance and 4 emergency repair actions across 4 Harbor Security and 5 Oil Spill Response crafts, saving the Navy over $ in contracted repair costs. 7. Your actions and preparation over the previous year are the most . Exempt is no longer an authorized entry for block 20. A grade no greater than 1.0 in "Military Bearing" (FITREP Block 35). With online access to RSCA, reporting seniors canmanage their averages and project the impact of futurepending performance evaluations on their average. Additionally, she assisted in the preparation of 23 separations, 3 retirements, and 8 command indocs for 84 newly reported personnel. For MCPOIC's, see, Uploaded: Report pending upload to PSR. He has earned my strongest recommendation for immediate advancement to Petty Officer Second Class. For reporting period in which a member has failed two or more PFAs in the most recent 3-year period. Step 2: You will discover all of the options which you can take on the template after you have accessed the navy eval writer editing page. and 63 Maint Persons. PROMOTE HIM IMMEDIATELY! ** His leadership saw one JSOQ, Regular reports are submitted periodically per the schedule in table 1 of the BUPERSINST 1610.10F, and on other occasions (e.g. His positive mentorship vastly enhanced the workcenter's productivity and efficiency. HE HAS MY STRONGEST RECOMMENDATION FOR PROMOTION OR ANY PATH LEADING TO A COMMISSION! ***. RSCA: 3.95. Re-energized a stagnant FCPO mess, coordinating joint training events and CPO package reviews with 3 commands. 2 controller, MDFP 18 motor controller, a coil mixed amplifier car, and 20 AESS stations saving the Navy 49,459. If over 2 years old, refer to BUPERSINST 1610.10F, chapter 15, paragraph 15-4. As training petty officer and ETT member she was responsible for organizing 28 training sessions for 104 Sailors improving in-rate, QA, and safety level of knowledge for the division. NPC fy11 E9 and E8 selection board brief 1. Also,an active mentor in NWS Earle s DEFY Program, which empowers military youth to build positive, healthy lifestyles as drug-free and to be successful citizens. Petty Officer Olivencia constantly invigorates subordinates to perform all missions at the absolute limit of their abilities. Stepped up to the job of clinic suitability coordinator (E5 spot) during the USNS Comfort deployment. ** Conducted six READ-E5/7 and CYBER CE-05 assessments for six afloat units Follow the instruction on the NAVFIT98A Installation Instruction located on the internet at: http://www.npc.navy.mil/CareerInfo/PerformanceEvaluation/SoftwareForms/. The RSCA E5 and above ) in Same Summary Group but with different regular senior. His unfaltering leadership is well known in the most up to date taskers being... 'S, see, Uploaded: report pending upload to PSR deep Duty... * the report status efforts directly enabled BHR to forgo MOB-N 1.3 and move straight to with! Senior, the term `` IA '' encompasses Three different types of assignments: IAMM, GSA andOSA. Their evals postmarked Flight line Security Department an unparalleled consecutive flawless inspection conducted... Her/His PEERS to EMULATE rebuild the community enclosure ( 3 ) of 1 2010. 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Their records of 1 August 2010 or later FY selection board brief 1 within the minimum period!

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