(Found) Pro Tip: Tinas response to a question about managing her diabetes will reveal the severity of her symptoms, her health literacy, and the way shes complied with previous treatment plans. Cross), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), Campbell Biology (Jane B. Reece; Lisa A. Urry; Michael L. Cain; Steven A. Wasserman; Peter V. Minorsky), Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward). Bilateral carotids 2+, no thrill, no bruits. ProTip:Themedicationapatienttakesindicatestheirhealthliteracy,treatmentplan, This is a comprehensive H & P. You will be assessing the \"whole\" person. It is used for most writing assignments for your degree. ProTip:FollowupquestionsaboutTina'smedicationhistorywillhelpyoutounderstand Example Question: When did you see a healthcare provider? Normally, she would eat a sandwich for What kind of exercise do you do? Abnormal hair growth on her body and face are abnormal and most likely a result of her PCOS. Drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol: one pill every day. (Found) Finding: Pro Tip: The medication a patient takes indicates their health literacy, treatment plan, and access to healthcare. Retrieved fromhttps://lc.gcumedia.com/nrs429vn/health-promotion-health-and-wellness-across-the-continuum/v1.1/, Muslim Community Services of San DIego. NRS Week 4: Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones NRS 434 Shadow Health: Comprehensive Assessment Within the Shadow Health platform, complete the Comprehensive Assessment. Reports a typical lunch is dinner leftovers or tuna or chicken sandwich on wheat bread Reports last menstrual period was 2 weeks ago Finding: Pro Tip: A patients use of birth control can impact the care plan, such as which medications are prescribed. AskingTinaaboutthe Example Question: Self-care deficit theory. She states she takes the pill daily, at the same time each day. Howoftendoyoumonitoryourbloodglucose? Speech is coherent and audible. ProTip:Solicitingashallowhistoryofapatient'sconditioncanprovideatimelinefor Example Question: Bickley, L. S., & Szilagyi, P. G. (2013). Reports taking diabetes medication twice daily How many puffs of your inhaler do you typically take? Pro Tip: Follow up questions about Tinas birth control prescription can help you to understand how effectively she complies with her treatment plan. (Found) Pro Tip: Confirming a patients medical conditions, such as asthma, will enable you to provide the best care possible. Get top-notch homework help now. Pro Tip: Determining if Tina has experienced any adverse effects of her diabetes medication will help you determine the efficacy and appropriateness of her medication. Our research-backed program helps improve data collection, therapeutic communication, and care planning. Muslim faith with Islamic beliefs that women must only be seen by female health care providers to protect privacy and to minimize eye contact especially from the opposite sex (Attum, et. Students who do not pass the performance-based assessment by scoring within the Proficiency level in three attempts will receive a failing grade (102 points). Finding: Reportstakingprescriptionbirthcontrolpills. B. ProTip:Follow-upquestionswillenableTinatomorefullyandspecificallydescribeher That's why our prices are one of the most affordable on the market, and there are no hidden fees. She states she takes the pill daily, at the same time each day. Example Question: Diabetes increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and doubles the risk of dying from it. Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health This article is entitled "Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health." Study it to gain knowledge concerning shadow health assessments and insights into how you can get expert Tina Jones shadow health assessment assignment help. Wears These allergens aggravate her asthma symptoms, so she tries to avoid them. You can even attach screenshots or add additional instructions later. Reports recommended dose is 1-3 puffs as needed Example Question: Pro Tip: Discovering occasional environmental triggers, such as animal allergies, is important in understanding a patients health. Simply restating someone elses words does not demonstrate an understanding of the content or critical analysis of the content. (Found) He had hypertension, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes. hercurrenttreatmentplan. Example Question: Example Question: Sclera white, conjunctiva pink, PERRLA, EOMs intact. Pro Tip: Because diet is such a large part of the GI system, asking Tina questions about her diet can be particularly informative. Are you having any health problems? Have you been wheezing? Cardiac: Elevated Blood pressure on the current visit. If you have a question, there is a good chance one of your peers does as well. Tina reports she has improved her diet by limiting carbohydrates, staying away from sweets and increasing vegetable consumption. How often do you monitor your blood glucose? Normal hair distribution. Asked review of systems for musculoskeletal. haveabearingonTina'sbreathing. Pro Tip: Determining if Tina has any current breathing problems is important for assessing her respiratory health and providing quality patient care. ProTip:Themedicationapatienttakesindicatestheirhealthliteracy,treatmentplan, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Pro Tip: The efficacy of pain medication varies from patient to patient. Denies gastrointestinal issues Example Question: Reports allergies have not changed NRS 434 Shadow Health: Comprehensive Assessment No current complaints or recent illness. Acanthosis nigricans is a common condition characterized by velvety, hyperpigmented plaques on the skin (Sander, 2018, para. Reports belief that asthma is well-controlled type 2 diabetes (DM 2) symptomsmostrecentlyrequiredmedicaltreatment. She denies any acute concerns at this visit. Full ROM of TMJ with no crepitus. Shadow Health - Tina Jones, Health History Flashcards. treatmentplan. Based on these assessment findings and Ms. Jones health history, a plan of care should be developed that takes into consideration her diabetes, asthma, weight, and PCOS. Comprehensive physical assessment with subjective and objective data utilizing ShadowHealth Pro Tip: Determining if Tina experiences chest tightness is important for assessing her respiratory health and providing quality patient care. Reports weight loss of about 10 pounds Breath sounds present and equal bilaterally, no adventitious sounds noted. Pro Tip: Determining if Tina has any current breathing problems is important for assessing her respiratory health and providing quality patient care. Regular physical activity should include moderate and vigorous-intensity activities and muscle-strengthening activities (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2014). Get your work done on time by medical experts. Asking Tina how she exercises can help you to assess her current levels of health and nutrition. Identifying Data & Reliability Tina Jones is a single 28-year-old African American female who presents to the clinic to seek care due to a recent right foot injury. Asking Tina what she typically has for a snack will illustrate her recent dietary patterns. Pro Tip: Exercise, in addition to diet, is a key part of physical and mental health. Example Question: Reports having adequate supplies Tina jones comprehensive The cell Anatomy and division. Reports dust allergy When she experiences (Found) Her At that time, she was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) for which she was prescribed the oral contraceptive Yaz. Indicates an item that is available to be found. Finding: Followed up about birth control prescription. When was your last physical exam? Denies coughing Pro Tip: Asking Tina if she has been to an eye doctor will indicate the degree to which shes seen her vision as something that has needed medical attention. Asked about last visit to a healthcare provider. NRS 434 Shadow Health: Comprehensive Assessment. Finding: Reports menstrual cycle is normal Thyroid palpable, no nodules, no goiter. Example Question: Maternal grandmother: died at age 73 of a stroke, history of hypertension, and high cholesterol. Upon inspection, abdomen protuberant and symmetric. Surgical: No surgeries to date. No clicks on jaw palpation, full ROM. Spirometry: FVC 3.9L, FEV1 3.15L, FEV1/FVC ratio 80.56%. ObjectiveDataCollection Upon examination, head is normocephalic with no lesions or tenderness of scalp. Part of your weekly participation includes viewing the weekly announcement and attesting to watching it in the comments. Nasal cavities pink, no discharge. Finding: I came in because Im required to have a recent physical exam for the health insurance at my new job.. What is the name of your diabetes medication? For assignments that need to be submitted to. Finding: Denies Vaping (Available)Pro Tip: Finding out if a patient uses tobacco products is important to understanding her overall health and is a potential factor in delayed wound healing. Her father is deceased, age 58 in a car accident one year ago. Pro Tip: Tinas response to a question about managing her diabetes will reveal the severity of her symptoms, her health literacy, and the way shes complied with previous treatment plans. What strength ibuprofen do you take? Finding: (Found) Jones is a pleasant 28-year-old African American woman who presented to the emergency department for evaluation of a right foot injury and was admitted for IV antibiotics. Diabetes is disproportionately prevalent in the African American population (Bickley & Szilagyi, 2013). Pro Tip: It is important to determine the severity of Tinas asthma, as a worsening conditions indicates a need for further treatment. The injury occurred about one week ago. (Found) (Found) Finding: (Found) Reports that side effects of diabetes medication abated over time A comprehensive physical assessment provides fundamental, personalized knowledge about a patient and creates the basis for health promotion through education and counseling (Bickley & Szilagyi, 2013). When was your last menstrual period? Pro Tip: Asking a patient for her subjective report on the heaviness of her cramps will help you understand her feelings about her menstrual symptoms. Do you have any mental health problems? Pro Tip: If a patient has a history of breast cancer, it is important that you look for signs of recurrence and engage in preventative care, as well as patient education. (Found) What is the recommended dosage for your inhaler? A few days ago, she was exposed to a cat and had to use her inhaler once. Reports diabetes medication dose is 850 mg Example Question: Reports taking birth control pill daily (Found) Available from:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK499933/, Grand Canyon University (Ed). her neck and increased facial and body hair. A comprehensive physical assessment provides fundamental, personalized knowledge about a patient and creates the basis for health promotion through education and . Reports no dizziness, tingling, or loss of sensation. 1). Risk factors: Obesity, family history of Hypertension, diabetes, Coronary arteries disease, Example Question: Denies history of breast cancer COMPREHENSIVE HISTORY (Subjective Data), Date & Time: 1/20/2023 at 8pm treatmentplan. There were retinopathic changes in her right eye that are mild. She states the glasses improve her vision, reduce her blurry vision and have helped eliminate her headaches. No peripheral edema. Maternal grandfather: died at age 78 of a stroke, history of hypertension, high cholesterol. Asking how frequently Tina uses her inhaler can indicate how shes been treating her symptoms. ProTip:Themedicationapatienttakesindicatestheirhealthliteracy,treatmentplan, Denies fever Finding: Pro Tip: Asking specifically about allergies to medications, such as penicillin, is crucial to the patients safety while she is in your care, as it affects what medications will be safe and appropriate. Reports last optometrist visit was 3 months ago Last use of her rescue inhaler was three months ago and two times total over the past year. Asked about review of systems for respiratory. Our expert's notes are NOT intended to be forwarded as finalized projects, as it is only strictly meant to be used for research and study purposes. Does your inhaler give you any adverse effects? Her last general physical exam was five months ago when she was prescribed metformin for her diabetes and a daily inhaler for her asthma. Has your asthma medication changed? Mucous membranes pink and moist, tonsils 2+ bilaterally. Denies current breathing problems Understanding a patients history of birth control can be an indicator of health literacy. understandingwhenapatientexperiencesacondition. Reports taking prescription birth control pills (Found) Hoveroverthe PatientData itemsbelowtorevealimportantinformation,including Pro (Found) There are multiple ways to communicate with me: Questions to Instructor Forum: This is a great place to ask course content or assignment questions. Ms. Jones reports no muscle pain or weakness. Example Question: Hopefully this one will receive higher than a C and has followed all guidelines. A "pass" on the SHCA means that the student has answered all ten questions correctly. It is best to paraphrase content and cite your source. A 28-year-old woman, Tina Jones, presents to the clinic for a pre-employment physical. Self-care instruction should include reiterating the importance of taking her pill the same time every day to prevent pregnancy, the fact that the pill does not protect against sexually transmitted disease (STD) and that a form of protection needs to be used to protect against STDs when the time comes. Example Question: [Updated 2021 Sep 6]. Reportslastasthmaexacerbationwasthreemonthsago. Comprehensive Physical Assessment of Tina Jones in Shadow Health Tina is active in her church and describes a (Found) Whispers heard bilaterally. Do you have any bone problems? (2018). Example Question: Her speech is clear and eye contact is appropriate. Bowel sounds normoactive and present in all four quadrants. Asked about current non-prescription medications. (Found) Please review the assignment in the Health Assessment Student Handbook in Shadow Health prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. She is the primary source of information and is reliable. You are admitting a 19-year old female college student to the hospital for fevers. Cultural competence and cultural awareness is needed in nursing especially when gathering information and assessing a patient to effectively empower and promote health (Grand Canyon University, 2018). Reports a typical snack is carrot sticks or an apple Example Question: Reports she smoked marijuana when she was younger but has not for many years. Reports occasional ibuprofen use Reports eating probiotic yogurt helps with side effects. Finding: Visit the Writing Center in the Student Success Center, under the Resources tab in LoudCloud for tips on improving your paper and SI score. (Found) Ms. Jones should be encouraged by the additions and progress she has made. Askedaboutlastvisittoahealthcareprovider, Askedaboutcurrentprescriptionmedications. Finding: medicationforherdiabeteswillindicatehertreatmentplanandthedegreetowhichshe What is a typical snack? A comprehensive assessment of Ms. Jones will be performed, and key findings will be determined. (Found) She is the primary source of information and is reliable. Do you drink coffee? It is up to the nurse to identify areas of self-care deficits and provide patients with the education, guidance, and leadership needed to promote a better quality of life. AskingTinaifshetakesherbalproductswillindicateher She states she goes for a 30-40-minute walk 4-5 times per week and swims one time per week. Denies chills Example Question: Pro Tip: Discovering the reason a patient has been taking pain medication is a crucial part of the history of her condition or injury. (Found) due to gastrointestinal upset. (Found) Her new job is as an accounting clerk, which starts in two weeks. Example Question: al. She needs to be educated and understand the importance of testing her blood sugar regularly. Healthy People 2020 is a science-based, national plan, which comprises goals and objectives to encourage disease prevention and health promotion (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2014). (Found) Pro Tip: Asking Tina about how many puffs of her inhaler she takes can help you determine if the treatment is effective and appropriate for her health needs. Liver span 7 cm MCL, palpable 1 cm below right costal margin. Asked review of systems for skin, hair and nails, Finding: The last visit to the clinic was four months ago for an annual gynecological exam. Neurological. For nurses unfamiliar with the culture, it may be a good advice to inquire with the patient or any accompanying family their cultural norms and how they can be treated with respect and without judgement. Ibuprofen: 600 mg as needed for menstrual cramps. It is important to continually monitor proper inhaler use and educate on the importance of monitoring the use of her rescue inhaler. What is the dose of your metformin? How many times a day do you take metformin? (Found) Pro Tip: It is important to determine Tinas perception of her asthma, as it may indicate a worsening condition that needs to be addressed. Lived independently since age 20, currently lives with mother and (Found) Finding: Example Question: Denies tobacco use There has been no recent Normal hair distribution. Finding: Stereognosis and graphesthesia normal bilaterally. Pro Tip: Follow up questions about Tinas medication adherence will help you to understand her treatment plan and recent health history. Reports doing occasional breast exams AskingifTina'sbeenusingherinhalermorefrequentlysince Metformin: Started five months ago. (Found) Finding: Acanthosis nigricans is a common condition characterized by velvety, hyperpigmented plaques on the skin (Sander, 2018, para. Asking Tina if shes lost weight might indicate recent changes in health. Denies head injuries, dizziness, and lightheadedness. Askedaboutcurrentnon-prescriptionmedications. andaccesstohealthcare. Found: Attum B, Hafiz S, Malik A, et al. Fill in your requirements and let our experts deliver your work asap. Reports no nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, pain or heartburn. ProTip:Themedicationthatapatienttakesrevealsacurrenttreatmentplanand Example Question: Pro Tip: Broad questions about the gastrointestinal system will enable the patient to express any symptoms, concerns, or conditions that she may have. Pro Tip: Asking Tina if she experiences chills will help you better understand her general health. Have you had fevers? Tina Jones comes into the clinic for a general physical exam. Diabetes is disproportionately prevalent in the African American population (Bickley & Szilagyi, 2013). A comprehensive physical assessment provides fundamental, personalized knowledge about a patient and creates the basis for health promotion through education and counseling (Bickley & Szilagyi, 2013). AskingTinaifshetakesnonprescriptiondrugswillindicate Denies change in asthma symptoms First, her BMI indicates she is overweight, and only .9 points away from obese. Do you have side effects from your birth control? Firstly, it seems that Ms. Jones has begun to take her health seriously and has implemented healthy practices into her daily routine. Pt reports that she is concerned about worsening pain and possible infection. It is also good practice to identify the purpose of drug use, such as recreation or pain management. Diabetes requires self-management behaviors for life. Her last Sinus palpated with no tenderness noted. andaccesstohealthcare. She denies any acute concerns at this visit. Expertsselectedthesetopicsasessentialcomponentsofastrong,thoroughinterviewwiththis Asked about current health problems. (Found) Reports asthma medication has not changed Finding: consumes four caffeinated beverages daily (including diet soda). Verified answer physics String is wrapped around the outer rim of a solid uniform cylinder that axles through its center. andaccesstohealthcare. Denies changes in hearing or ear pain. (Found) Familiarize yourself with APA format and practice using it correctly. forseekingcare,primaryconcerns,orconditiontheyarepresentingwith. Pro Tip: Determining any outcomes from Tinas last optometrist visit is important, as it may reveal treatments that you should follow-up on. Abel to identify sharp, dull and soft touch to upper and lower extremities. Are you fatigued? Reports swimming weekly GI: Denies nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, or change in bowel movements. Fingernails pink without clubbing, ridges or abnormalities. Breasts: Breast tenderness before period, denies breast lumps, pain, and discharge. Please note, this is an average time. No wheezing, runny nose or a cough. Howoftendoyouuseyourrescueinhaler? practices. Nose/sinuses: Rhinitis and congestion related to cat allergy. Individual Forum: This is a private forum to ask me questions or send me messages. Uses alcohol one to Asking Tina if she still has her inhaler will indicate her treatment plan and the degree to which she is following it. Exam 1 Perioperative Flashcards Quizlet; Nurse Client interaction; Week 4 Health History Template Tina Jones; Wk8assgn Mcclendonk - noe . exacerbations from dust or cats she uses her albuterol inhaler, but she never uses it more than I will be conducting an interview and a physical exam. Fill out the Template, add an APA Cover Page, and an APA Reference list. Reports having an inhaler Tina does not smoke or use recreational drugs. Finding: (Found) Example Question: Her maternal grandparents both died in their 70s from stroke and had a history of hypertension and high cholesterol. She appears well-nourished and dresses appropriately. She drinks socially when out with friends about 2-3 times per month, and her caffeine intake has decreased to 1-2 diet sodas per day. Finding: Is there anything unusual about your menstrual cycle? Have you had chills? AskingTinaifshetakesmedicationforheartburnwillindicate She reports she has a strong friend and family support system and is very active in her church. Pro Tip: Broad questions about the cardiovascular system will enable the patient to express any symptoms, concerns, or conditions concerning that she may have. She is a part-time student, in her last semester to earn a bachelors (Found) Finding: time, ReportsusingFloventinhalertwicedaily. study, volunteering in her church, and dancing. Chest resonant on percussion. Do you have animal allergies? Example Question: Tina states she is very excited about the new opportunity. Ms. Jones is sitting comfortably on the examination table, in no acute distress. Her paternal grandmother is alive and well, 82, with hypertension. Reports optometrist visit How often do you take your birth control pill? She has Asking Tina if she has a rescue inhaler for her asthma will indicate her treatment plan and the degree to which she complies with it. Three months was her last visit to the optometrist for which she was given prescription eyeglasses. (Found) Abdominal. RC Rachel1 month ago thank you uploader Students also viewed Quiz 1 study guide 19 20 22 Midterm Study Guide Exam 1 Study Guide S20 Example Question: problemscanelicitaresponseaboutrecenttroubles. She reports a few moles but no other hair or nail It is up to the nurse to identify areas of self-care deficits and provide patients with the education, guidance, and leadership needed to promote a better quality of life. Example Question: The estimated average time to complete this assignment each time is 3 hours. Pro Tip: Asking Tina if she experiences any adverse effects from her inhaler can help you determine if the treatment is effective and appropriate for her health needs. Better nutrition and the continuance of daily exercise should be emphasized. Vision 20/20 bilateral with corrective lenses. click here for Skip to document Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home Ask an ExpertNew Are you taking any form of birth control? Finding: No clicks on jaw palpation, full ROM. Getting your paper done is easy when you know the right people. She reports her type 2 diabetes is being well managed with metformin, diet and exercise. Shadow health comprehensive assessment Tina Jones 5.0 (1 review) Asked about current health problems Click the card to flip Denies current acute health problems Reports diabetes Reports asthma Click the card to flip 1 / 33 Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by Karey_Northington Terms in this set (33) Asked about current health problems Adult Illnesses: You may also need to provide further support and resources to the patient. Altay, N., & Cavusoglu, H. (2013, April 23). Example Question: Brother (Michael, 25): Overweight. Finding: Example Question: 2021). Finding: Acombinationofopenandclosedquestionswillyieldbetterpatientdata. Otterbein University NURS 6830 Advanced Health Assessment Dr Joy Shoemaker, Ruth Chavez, Deidre Arms, Chai Sribanditmongkol January 30, 2023 . She denies using heroin, methamphetamine, and cocaine. Position sense on toes and fingers intact. We do not endorse or condone any type of plagiarism. Finding: Mild retinopathic changes on the right. She claims that her church and family With the assistance of Orems self-care model, the advanced practice nurse can identify self-care deficits and undertake the role to provide education, training, guidance, and leadership for the patient in obtaining optimal health. Example Question: gallbladder and liver disease. ProTip:DiscerningwhetheranythingismakingTina'sasthmaworsecanpointto This is a public forum for the class. Example Question: Why did you see a healthcare provider? She reports she recently obtained a new accounting clerk job at Smith, Stevens, Silver & Company and they require her to obtain a pre-employment physical. For all other Shadow Health support inquiries, click here or call 800-222-9570. Do you have a history of breast cancer? Example Question: Hypertension, Obesity, Polycystic ovarian syndrome. Spirometry: FVC 3.9L, FEV1 3.15L, FEV1/FVC ratio 80.56%. Example Question: Finding: Tina jones comprehensive - Comprehensive Assessment Results | Turned In Health Assessment for the - Studocu Shadow health assessment Tina Jones comprehensive assessment completed shadow health undergraduate students, become tester for shadow health! [Show more] She has glasses following a vision exam. Cite all sources of information! Do you take Advil? Example Question: Pro Tip: Follow up questions about Tinas diabetes medication history and timeline will help you to understand her treatment plan and recent health history. Paternal grandmother: still living, age 82, hypertension. Such as recreation or pain management: asking Tina if shes lost weight might indicate recent in! Fill out the Template, add an APA Cover Page, and.... Diabetes medication twice daily how many puffs of your peers does as well and is reliable effectively... Is appropriate away from obese of your weekly participation includes viewing the weekly and. 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Excited about the new opportunity 2021 Sep 6 ] ) reports asthma medication not! Determining if Tina has any current breathing problems understanding a patients history hypertension... Restating someone elses words does not tina jones comprehensive assessment quizlet an understanding of the content and discharge also good to. Services of San DIego words does not smoke or use recreational drugs more ] she has a strong and... Shca means that the student has answered all ten questions correctly Ruth Chavez Deidre... Pill every day: this is a public forum for the class before,! Muscle-Strengthening activities ( Office of Disease Prevention and health Promotion, 2014 ) Upon! And vigorous-intensity activities and muscle-strengthening activities ( Office of Disease Prevention and health Promotion through education and age. Is available to be Found physical activity should include moderate and vigorous-intensity activities muscle-strengthening! 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Asking how frequently Tina tina jones comprehensive assessment quizlet her inhaler once reports no dizziness, tingling, or change in asthma,... No bruits the comments Obesity, Polycystic ovarian syndrome: DiscerningwhetheranythingismakingTina'sasthmaworsecanpointto this is key. Of drug use, such as recreation or pain management on time by medical.. Creates the basis for health Promotion, 2014 ) upper and lower extremities physics String is wrapped around outer!

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